The Ancient Egyptians applied metaphysical realities in their daily life— in other words— total cosmic consciousness. As above, so below, and as below, so above.
Ancient Egyptian philosophy expresses that man is born mortal but contains within himself the seed of the divine. His purpose in this life is to nourish that seed, and his reward, if successful, is eternal life, where he will reunite with his divine origin.
On the Island of Kalabsha in the first courtyard, Frans was really drawn to an the image of the snake that wound around a pole each side of the gateway lintel,at the top of the pole is a circle, with wings, the circle represents the eternal life, the soul, I explained that The wings give flight to the soul and a higher consiousness, of ascension, messages from the divine, a human awareness from a higher angelic vantage point.The snake energy appears in many ways,When a person is on a heart monitor in hospital, the snake is the line that monitors the heart, once the snake no longer moves, the life force and energy has passed away.
The snake wound around the wand is symbolic of energy waves, two serpents represent energy and matter, the left and right sides of the brain, the opposing energies of yin and yang, male and female, or the two channels of the Kundalini energy – ida and pingala, they represent the double helix of our DNA,The spiral effect of the snakes around the wand indicates an expansion of knowledge as well as the undulating dance of cosmic forces. Today we recognize this symbol for pharmacy and medicine
It was interesting that Frans was drawn specifically to this image, as he himself has been raised to a higher consious level, as he told me he had a near death experience during an operation.When Frans gave me his card I discovered that he works for the Institute of consciousness and neurofeedback, understanding brain waves and energy. Frans is a man of high intellegence and science, and definately a servant in the evolution of mankind. His webiste is hppt://,
I felt that frans would definately enjoy reading the wisdom of the God Thoth,or specifically 'The Emerald Tablets of Thoth' this amazing ancient Egyptian God had the ability to leave his own body and travel to higher dimensions. The caduceus (snake & wand) is the Wand of Hermes, also called Staff of Hermes. It originated as a willow wand with entwined ribbons which later evolved into snakes. Hermes, the messenger, was the Greek deification of the Egyptian god Thoth, the bringer of writing and the sciences. In ancient Rome, he was known as Mercury.
Frans sent me this poem he has written since return to home,It was a pleasure to meet Frans a scientist and a member of the spiritual tour through Egypt, sending love & Light to you Frans from Lorraine & Caroline x
Unconditional love
in light and time
cosmic consciousness
Egyptian glory
mirroring the sky
stars and stars
you’re my star
my shining star
my love
Onvoorwaardelijke liefde
in het licht en de tijd
kosmisch bewustzijn
Egyptische glorie
spiegelen de hemel
sterren en sterren
you're my star
mijn shining star
mijn schat
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