Monday, 13 August 2012

Abydos, Light & Darkness

My beloved Seti I temple at Abydos came to my mind again when I started my classical herbal treatment, to help me to get rid of all effects of anaesthetic , bruises and other injuries relating to my operation. The treatment does not only work on the physical body but also on the emotional, mental and finally the soul. And so being in the middle of this process of 2 weeks Abydos, came up and up. All the three temples at Abydos have very strong but different and pure Energies. They Work on different levels and they can help you with your growth, and initiate a transformation within your life. Entering Abydos there is a large building on your left side, with the name of Horus on it. It must have been about 9 years ago when I was sat having a cup of tea and an Egyptian men stepped out of a very expensive jeep. I looked at the man and at his car as I was surprised to see such a wealth, as Abydos is really a poor village. He came over to speak to me and offered me to show me around his building and explained to me what he was doing. He also told me (according to my standards) his extreme high prices. He told me he was a healer, I saw at that ime something completely different. This man told me he was the son of Ohm Seti. I really needed to bite my lip, and I thought this man really needs to see a good shrink. A good friend of mine, who joined me at that time, witnessed what was happening and had being told. I noticed that the building itself has a very low and dark energy. I took his leaflets advertising his oils and prices and left. I forgot the whole incident and continued my visit to my beloved temple. Out of the blue i received an email from a Dutch couple who were apparantely befriended with that man. This healer asked them to write to me as he was really worried about me and i needed to contact him. I was stunned. As i can see and feel energy, his only intention was to get his claws into me. So i politely answered that mail, and to me it was cased closed. My Guides and Angles really protected me when I decided to move over from Holland to Egypt. At that time the house i lived in, had a very strong, high and powerful energy, and was perfect for my spiritual work. I met a man who became a friend over the years and he introduced me to Mr Mahmoud. (well known in Abydos) and straight away there was a spark of recognition, as we have had lived lifes together in the past. The only thing that really impressed me was his big Ego.. . as it was that obvious from the first time i met him. During the time i lived in Abydos I met a certain M. from Cairo, in Abydos he is almost a saint, as he comes from a very wealthy family and according to others is very spiritual, to be honest I doubt this as his guests were mainly women, with whom he shared the same bedroom with. This is a bad thing for an Egyptian to do and I was really shocked by this double morality, sorry to say but generally speaking most of the men all have a big 2 nd chakra's problem and they are trying you to believe they are working with and from their fourth chakra.
They instinctively know which woman will fall for their charms. And once the woman does, the manipulation will start. They will promise you heaven on earth and they subtle make you do things as you are under their Spell. But in the end, the women will end up bankrupt and probably heartbroken.
A long time ago, an English lady who was very spiritual went to live in Abydos and fell in love with one of those local healers. I know it from first hand as she told this me herself. She lost £36.000 and when she didn't had more money left he dumped her. Having lived in egypt and done many many tours (also to Abydos) I am very well aware of many incidents where tourists have been abused financially by Egyptians they have befriended. I am also aware that its a difficult area to talk about it. I know many horror stories of people that have been abused, financially, emotionally and last but not least physically.

Unfortunately there is nothing i can do to help.I know everybody has to live his own Karma and there is nothing else but to leave it for others to fall into the same traps when maybe I could have helped them step sideways from the traps. And this is why i decided to write the blog about Abydos, after being contacted over the last 2 years by people who have bad experiences by those local healers. If your energy is good the temple of Seti invites you, if not the spirits will kick you out.I lived there 4 months full time, in complete isolation in the house, at that time there was a big internet cable problem, so all the Arabic countries were cut off. Mobile connection has been difficult during that time. During those 4 months I asked myself the same question every day….Caroline what do you chose for, the lightness of or the darkness......the answer is not difficult, but the temptation to do something terrible and horrible was really appealing. I lived in hell but passed THE test. As Misty (Canadian Angel Worker) said to me, there is dark and there is light, they both are part of who we are. Black Magic is very common in Egypt and practised by both men and women also some healers work with black magic, so after 5 years it really made sense why I had to leave Abydos, to protect myself from certain people. I feel really sorry as I received a disturbing phone call from a very nice man from the South in France, he was totally freaked out. He had visited this healer several times in the last couple of years, and he got in real big trouble, as there was a death threat. He called me to ask for help.
Recently (april 2013) a young woman who really got into deep trouble asked me for help too. It seemed that one of those local healers got involved. She got psychic attacks,  not only from him but also from other well know healers.  Unfortunately,  i was unable to do anything as she took her own life.  
Looking back, I am always be very well protected and Guided and I thank my spirit guides a couple of years ago a small spiritual group went to Abydos for a cleansing, as it needed to be done. One of the ladies received a very good cleansing and became pregnant. I had predicted this local healer another child in 2007. And as he used to do, he just laughed at me. A lot of my predictions came true. Knowing there is always a reason.... But he is also human and could have make an other choice..... this new baby must be very humiliating for all parties involved. Healers offer their services to several Dutch spiritual tour operators. Significant detail is that they all are female tour operators. If you would like to go on a spiritual journey to Abydos ........I suggest you give it very good thought, first of all if it’s your path? And second of all with whom you would like to go? A trip that Costs you about € 2000,00 is outrageous, in other words you really get ripped off! You don't need a healer from there as spirits of the temples will guide you, and help you and give you whatever you need during your spiritual (individual) journey they Will lead you through all kind of phases and stages and trust them, within the temples you will be very safe.
What happened over the last couple of years put a lot of pressure on the friendship between my dear Egyptian friend and me. As I prefer to life in the light and have a free soul, it meant that I have had to let go of people who were very dear to me. And Last but not least i really need to thank my Agent from Luxor, who has always been supporting me and warned me, straight from the beginning. And because of his warnings I don't have any financial losses. The only thing that happened to me is that i got confronted with so many hypocrocy and lies and this is something i can't and won't live with that. As a 33 that's absolutely out of the question. Those who are upset by other peoples (or my) experiences live in fear and in control. I chose to let go of these lower energies by sharing my journey with those who choose to read. Those who will not benefit by it, do not need to read my stories.

Latest Update 1/6/2013 Request to all who have had very bad experiences (financially/emotionally/physically/ domestic violence/ loverboys/ scams) with Egyptian men who started relationships with foreign women or men, to abuse them. There is a filming crew, who wants to make a documentary about these kind of practices. The documentary will be broadcast in sptember 2013. They need people who want to share their experiences. This includes ofcourse all of Egypt. You can email to: Noor Stevens wrote a book about it. It is in Dutch, the title of this book is: Kus Kus Bezness. Editor is Meulenhoff/de Boekerij 2011.<.p>

Latest Update 1/2/2020 Untill 2019, unfortunately nothing has changed yet, the "show"still goes on over there and people are still being scammed.


  1. gread post my dear sister..
    and yes, there is darkness and light within each being...but it is what we choose to do with it that matters most.
    and for us...we chose light.
    i will always be grateful to my intuition that guided me to text you from Abydos that time, i have found...a sister.
    I love you xoxo

  2. Chakra Healing I feel really happy to have seen your webpage and look forward to so many more entertaining times reading here. Thanks once more for all the details.

  3. Actually I read your experience with feelings of sorry and sadness,cos such things shouldn't happen in a spiritual place like Abydos. I experienced similar situation but not harassment or money things,,but more worse,cos I disagree with him about his ready to fight and to help you in any thing,as I'm a citizen from Abydos and hate so much to spoil name of Abydos.
