An inscription of Tuthmosis 111 at Karnack temple:
'I have seen the transformation of the Divine principle of the two regions of light on the secret roads of heaven. The divine light speaks through me; I was bathed in its radiance and fully nourished by divine wisdom -An inscription of Tuthmosis 111 at Karnack temple.
On our Goddess & Angels Spiritual tour with Caroline Dekker through through Karnack Temple, one of the guests in the group asked Caroline to offer her a mediatation & healing at the side of the sacred Lake,and as Caroline sat comfortably with Jolanda, the water shone like a pure diamond of light at the side of Jolanda, and as I observered them both quietly, I considered what a beautiful choice and symbolic also that Jolanda asked Caroline for a healing at the side of Karnack Temples sacred lake, where the waters would purify and cleanse the priests, as Jolanda & Caroline relaxed into their meditation, Jolanda held Carolines own special key of life, that is a diviner or tuning fork for the energies witihn the temple, the symbol of the key offers regeneration and a new life for Jolanda, walking away from them, I suddenly spotted a large goose egg on the ground and rushed to pick it up, but then I realized it was made of stone, but I am sure the stone was there for a reason, and so I gave Jolanda the stone and told her of the story of the cosmic egg once she had finished her mediation
Every morning at sunrise in ancient Egypt the priests would release a goose onto this lake; they did this because of the creation myth. It was believed that four sets of Gods had come from the cosmos, the milky way in the heavens, They were the rulers of infinity, the rulers of darkness, of primordial waters, and the secretive Amun and his partner Amaunet the ruled hidden things. Together they caused a blinding light and eruption on earth, and a primeval mound was created from the waters of Nun, On the primeval mound of earth a cosmic goose then laid an egg, from which The God Amun hatched who then created everything else in the world.
I am grateful to Jolanda for allowing me to observe and share her special mediation at the side of Karnack Sacred Lake, it was truly a magical moment.Also many Thanks to Caroline for asking me to participate in her tour with this wonderful group from Holland.
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