Omm Sety was a very famous lady that lived and died in Abydos, she was drawn to Egypt by her belief that she was the re-incarnation of a priestess known as Bentreshyt from the temple of Sety I at Abydos in Upper Egypt, she was born in 1904 in England and her English name was Dorothy Louis Eady, when she was three years old Dorothy fell down a long flight of stairs and was pronounced dead by the attending doctor. However, an hour later she was sitting up in bed, perfectly recovered. It was from this point onwards that she began to have regular dreams of being in an ancient building with huge columns,probably this accident had awakened old memories from the subconcious, or memories of another life of her soul, I myself have experienced memories of previous lives in Egypt through meditation and regression.
When Dorothy was four years old her parents took her with them on a visit to the British Museum, and it was here in the Egyptian galleries that Dorothy suddenly became aware that she was 'home'. Such was the effect of this realisation on the four year old that she ran madly through the halls, kissing the feet of the ancient statues and eventually sitting down at the feet of a glass-cased mummy and refusing to move.
Three years later Dorothy saw a photograph in a magazine showing the Temple of Sety at Abydos, and immediately connected it with the large columned building of her recurring dream. She told her father that the Temple was her home, the place where she had once lived, but was confused as to why the buildings were in ruins and there was no garden.
During her teenage years Dorothy spent every available moment studying Egyptology. she was actually taught to interpret hieroglyphics by the legendary Sir Ernest Wallis Budge, Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum.When she was 29 she travelled to Egypt, she married an eyptian and she became the first woman ever to work for the Egyptian Antiquities Department. Dorothy had a son from her marriage, whom she named Sety, much to the annoyance of her husband. In keeping with the Egyptian custom of not referring to women by their first name, Dorothy was then known as Omm Sety, 'mother of Sety'. Many years afterwards, in 1956 after her marriage had ended, she finally made her way 'home' to Abydos, where she remained, living in a small peasant house until her death in 1981.
Seti's temple at Abydos was a temple of constant devotion for Dorothy. She would remove her shoes before entering and once inside worship the ancient Egyptian gods in the ancient way. It was mainly through her dreams, recorded in detail in her diaries using a form of automatic writing, that she came to believe that she was the reincarnation of a a fourteen-year-old virgin priestess called Bentreshyt, who had lived at the Temple of Abydos during the reign of Sety I.

As described in her diaries, Dorothy believed her main role as Bentreshyt was to play a part in the dramatized rituals of the death and resurrection of the Egyptian god Osiris, held at the Temple. More controversially, Dorothy also claimed that Sety I had fallen in love with her after a chance meeting in the Temple gardens when she had been a young priestess there. The story has a tragic end as the girl discovered she was pregnant after the liaison, and, rather than expose the Pharaoh, she committed suicide.
Due to her deep knowledge of all things Egyptian, Dorothy became an extremely popular and respected figure at Abydos, my friend Amir who still lives in abydos remebers Omm seti from when he was younger, she gave tours of the ruins,and continued with the ancient egyptian festivals and celebrations of the temple,some local egyptians came to her in the belief she knew the secrets of ancient Egyptian magic and healing. In fact she was a great believer in ancient Egyptian magic and the very real power of the Egyptian gods.
Omm Sety's knew that there had once existed a garden attached to the ancient Temple of Sety I, and she advised tentiquities where to dig for it,as she rememmbered it from her past life, she was able to pinpoint the exact place in which to dig for the ruins, and also predicted that there would be a tunnel running underneath the northern part of the Temple, which was proved by subsequent excavation to be the case. Another more spectacular prediction - that underneath the Temple of Sety I there lies a secret vault containing a library of hidden historical and religious records - has yet to be tested by excavation.
Omm Sety was an unusual woman, whose detailed knowledge of Egyptology and ancient Egyptian magical and religious practices was admired by all who met her, including the numerous Egyptologists who worked alongside her at Abydos. Most researchers agree it would have been difficult for her to obtain such a profound knowledge and understanding of ancient Egypt through normal channels of learning.
Like Omm Seti, I too was drawn to Abydos as it always felt like "my temple and my place" from the first time I visited Egypt. I was drawn to Abydos and at that time I had no idea why I was always drawn back to this area of Egypt at that time. It was here that I saw my past lives spontaneous and also through meditation and regression. In September 2008 my own spiritual Guides let me know that it was time to leave Abydos behind me and to work at other temples and places in Egypt. During 2008 I already "saw" and "felt" a huge energy shift and a lot of darkness coming to the surface. This is the reason why I took Abydos out of my programme. In 2009 I visited Abydos twice, once in spring, and the last time in December 09 and as I am a light worker, using I felt there is still too much negative and dark energy so I am not happy to work in Abydos at this time during my spiritual tours. If we are looking to the old Gods of Egypt I feel that the God Seth does his work properly in Abydos. So I am waiting for my spiritual Guides to let me know when the time is right to go back again and Abydos can be a part of my trips again.
English website spiritualegypt
Dutch Website Triade Travel
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