When I visited Egypt for the first time and arrived in Luxor, I “knew and felt” that I belonged here, I felt at home and I did not want to go back to Holland again. When I left Egypt again I cried my eyes out and when I got back in Holland I really felt homesick. The urge to come home was born and it frightened me, as this acknowledgement had big consequences. I never wanted to come to Egypt as there was a big resistance to go there, and at that time didn’t know why, but I had to go and so I did.
During my travels in Egypt I find quiet places in the temple grounds to meditate which not only calms the body it also enhances psycic ability, and on my travels alone or with my guests we have both experienced past life regression and memories of former lives that our soul remembers we have experienced here.
Medinet Habu is the Mortuary temple of Ramses 111, it is a beautiful temple situated on the west bank of Luxor, and was one of the first temples I really felt connected with. Entering bare foot this temple and on my way into the temple I got in another state of mind I “was” in another time and life. On my way in I greeted the two seated statues of Sekhmet. I felt these two statues spoke to me, and they wanted me to wait before to proceed my way into the temple. They wanted me to be prepared before I could move on. I waited and prayed and when I felt I could go on I thanked them and walked slowly into the temple. All of a sudden I saw my “great love” in this life in the presence of a high priest. At the most 12 years old, I was a novice in this beautiful temple which felt my hearth with love. We were very close together and we had a relationship which has been forbidden. We loved each other very much and unfortunately I got pregnant. When this secret relationship and the pregnancy came to the surface they threw me out of the temple and I never saw him again. He broke my heart and I felt abandoned, alone and very sad as I wasn’t allow to go back to my beloved temple again and be with my beloved man again.The Rammessium mortuary temple, On a very quite morning when I was alone I had a long meditation at the Rammessium temple, and it is during these periods of meditation that I remember instances from a past life and feel the déjà vue of where I am. I remember living with my husband in Upper Egypt; it’s a small village with all kind of mud brick house. I lived an ordinary life, working in the field, trying to survive and married to my great love in this life again. We are about 16 or 17 years old. We are very happy together, we make a lot of fun, have a great telepathic connection (again) and everything is very peaceful and in harmony. We live in a community with the rest of our relatives and we are really happy. One day as I was working in the fields and I was bitten by a snake, I ran all the way home; the poison works really quickly. I felt down on the mud floor in the house and my husband panicked as he didn’t know what was happening to me. I felt my body begin to paralyze, I can’t speak anymore, so I was unable to talk and explain to him. In his panic he took my by the shoulders and is yelling and shouting at me. I feel my body swoon and then paralysis begins and I can speak or tell him what is wrong. My brain knows that I am going to die. The look on his face, I will never forget, when I died (which happened really quickly) he was in total anguish, because I had left him. In this particular life he had a broken heart.Luxor Temple, on a sunny and quite morning I had to go to the temple. I didn’t know why, but apparently there as some work to be done on my chakras. Slowly (I always walk slowly in to any temple) I walk to the big statues. Immense and impressive are they. One of the statues has a lot of humor, he always makes me smile. He is funny and he always looks at the bright side of life. Amazing how awareness works even on statues. Any question I ask, he always will answer me in a humor full way of “speaking”. The first part of the temple make my feet glow, I knew I was grounded very well, but it feels like I have sunk even more in the earth and I really felt slow, but now I even felt like a turtle. The temple called me welcome and I really feel happy. Walking between the colonnades I really feel humble and I am going to sit in the court of Amenhotep. I feel the energy pulsating and feel my energy system being cleansed by the temple. Slowly I follow my way to the end of the temple on the left side. No one is there and I smell a very strong smell of really nice incense…..I look around me and there is nothing to see. To check, I leave the room and when I got out, it’s gone, when I am walking back, it’s there again……Do check again, same thing is happening. I asked a guardian to walk with me and to tell me what he smells. He is looking at me and his eyes having an inquisitive glance and with a big smile on his face, he is telling me “horse manure”. I grinned and thanked him very much for his help and gave him some baksheesh. I decide to go back to the incense smell and after a while I see my past life as a priestess in this temple. A very happy life, fulfilling my life by completely dedicated to the gods, offering to them, speak to them and feel totally connected and in peace with the Universe. I feel home and the feeling really make me cry, but now it’s of joy, fulfillment and happiness.After leaving the temple I visited my friend’s house in Luxor for a cup of coffee, she gave me a chakra bracelet, and said: I do not know why, but I had to make you one this morning and give it to you. Thanks my lovely friend for being in “contact” with the energy.
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