Since 1984 I started to use my first Tarot deck, and I have been hooked to thier symbolic language. With a lot of pleasure, I lay the cards for people to get things clear or just help them further on, using my intuition & Spiritual guides to help or relate their card reading. I also give courses in reading the Tarot.
I have just been given a new pack of Tarot cards whilst I was working in Egypt as a gift from my good friend Iris Mejer of Hidden Egypt spiritual tours, and they are the most beautiful cards to work with and I cant wait to start using them, so thank you Iris for your lovely gift to me.
The Tarot is a very old and sophisticated divinatory system. The wisdom and beauty of the mysterious cards have intrigued humanity throughout the ages, it embodies many profound and ancient teachings which pass far beyond their divinatory interpretations. A deck of Tarot cards contains 22 Major Arcana cards. Arcana means secrets and there are 56 remaining cards . These Major Arcana can be considered the Gate keepers of Higher Knowlegde. It’s a dialogue without words, the language is symbolic, some of the paintings just speaks for themselves.Tarot is a valuable tool and can be used to get greater spiritual understanding and self-awareness. The Tarot does not belong to any religion. The traditional Tarot embodies the imagery and motifs of a wide range of cultures and belief systems.
The Tarot is a very old and sophisticated divinatory system. The wisdom and beauty of the mysterious cards have intrigued humanity throughout the ages, it embodies many profound and ancient teachings which pass far beyond their divinatory interpretations. A deck of Tarot cards contains 22 Major Arcana cards. Arcana means secrets and there are 56 remaining cards . These Major Arcana can be considered the Gate keepers of Higher Knowlegde. It’s a dialogue without words, the language is symbolic, some of the paintings just speaks for themselves.Tarot is a valuable tool and can be used to get greater spiritual understanding and self-awareness. The Tarot does not belong to any religion. The traditional Tarot embodies the imagery and motifs of a wide range of cultures and belief systems.
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