Please see my websites for more information on my Goddess and Angels trip to Egypt December 2010. During this Tour starting in Luxor I will introduce you to the wonderful world of Ancient Egyptian Divinities,the Archangels and their healing ways, where you can experience healing and a new awarness and pyschic abiity through the meditations and chakra development that we work with together as a group on our journey through the temples of Egypt. English website dutch website
Friday, 16 July 2010
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Magic & Healing in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptians believed in magic as part of healing, in our world of modern science and medicine we no longer understand the old arts and would be scornful of magic, but in ancient times magic was invoked in all questions of life death and illness. It was interwoven with religion and healing and was practised by the priests in the temples.
Psychology was also used as part of healing by using incantations, the solemn recitation of sentences and words of invocation subconsciously helped a sick person, this would reassure and calm the patient soothing & calming the nerves caused by the effect of a fear of an unknown power that today we would think as superstition.
The Egyptians believed that sickness and disease were caused by evil-spirits that had entered the body of man, if the person did not recover their family would seek help and take them to the temples to be treated by either incantation, drugs or incubation.

The Goddess Isis was regarded as a great enchantress and healer, this is an incantation to her:
O Isis, Great Enchantress, free me, release me from all evil red things, from the fever of the God and fever of the Goddess. From death, and death from pain, and the pain that comes over me, as thou hast freed, and as thou hast released thy son Horus, whilst I enter into the fire and go forth into the water
Psychology was also used as part of healing by using incantations, the solemn recitation of sentences and words of invocation subconsciously helped a sick person, this would reassure and calm the patient soothing & calming the nerves caused by the effect of a fear of an unknown power that today we would think as superstition.
The Egyptians believed that sickness and disease were caused by evil-spirits that had entered the body of man, if the person did not recover their family would seek help and take them to the temples to be treated by either incantation, drugs or incubation.

The Goddess Isis was regarded as a great enchantress and healer, this is an incantation to her:
O Isis, Great Enchantress, free me, release me from all evil red things, from the fever of the God and fever of the Goddess. From death, and death from pain, and the pain that comes over me, as thou hast freed, and as thou hast released thy son Horus, whilst I enter into the fire and go forth into the water
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
In the Footsteps of Alexandria - the Oracle of Amun at Siwa
My new tour of Alexandria and cairo then takes us deep into the desert to the edge of the great sand sea to ancient Siwa where Alexandra the great himself travelled to see the ancient Oracle of Amun.
See my website for more information of the tourthat commences on 15th May 2011, or contact me by email: or skype:neteroe
See my website for more information of the tourthat commences on 15th May 2011, or contact me by email: or skype:neteroe
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Valley of the Whales
I have chosen a very interesting and unusual area to visit for the final day of our tour, we will visit Al Fayoum Oases & the Valley of the Whales - Yes........ Egypt has been under water, and here at the Valley of the whales the skeletons of whales are found,This area contains around 400 fossilized skeletons of 40 million-year old whales, some of which had hind legs, as these mammals were still in the process of migrating back into the sea, Since July 2005 this has become a Unesco world heritage site. The valley of the whales is located behind a mountain that is known as Garet Gohannam, gara which means the mountain of hell! in the light of the setting sun, the mountain seems ablaze with an eerie red light
al fayoum oasis,
caroline dekker,
valley of whales
Monday, 3 May 2010
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Meditate - Healing - Reiniging & Tibetaanse klankschaal in de Tempel van Thoth in Luxor

Thoth is de oude Egyptische god van wijsheid en intuïtie. In deze kleine rustige omgeving met mijn gasten gebruikt Caroline een meditatie waarbij tevens het branden van wierook en de trillingen van de Tibetaanse Klankschaal helpen om alle oude opgeslagen ballast in hun lichaam en DNA eruit te werken. De klankschaal geeft geluidsgolven en helpt bij de genezing. Als Caroline eenmaal bezig is, wordt zij volledig omsloten door de ons omringende energie en reageert zij automatisch op de behoeften haar gasten waarbij zij geleidt wordt door haar Gidsen en de Engelen.
Lorraine observeert de meditaties tijdens de reis, waarbij zij in staat is sommige gasten meer informatie en daardoor inzicht te laten verkrijgen over wat er met hen gebeurd is en waarom. De gasten/deelnemers kunnen elk een diepgaande reactie in verschillende tempels of plaatsen ervaren of krijgen. De kennis die Lorraine heeft van de tempels en de geschiedenis van de Goden, biedt hen een (in)zicht dat vele anderen het hoofd zouden zien. Lorraine begrijpt hoe de verschillende reacties optreden binnen de persoon en de relatie tot de specifieke tempel of Goden waar zij op dat moment mee omringd zijn. Net zoals de oude Egyptische religie en tempels een weerspiegeling zijn van het universum en de menselijke ziel, resoneren de tempels en de krachtplekken met ons via onze ziel en onze zintuigen.
In de tempel van Thoth zat Lorraine rustig onze meditatie waar te nemen en legde de ingrijpende gevolgen van dat moment van één van onze gasten vast. Zij (Anke) was onder meer meegegaan op deze reis/vakantie omdat dit haar verder zou helpen in het proces van heling. Dit proces was al een aantal jaren geleden in gang was gezet, namelijk 5 jaar geleden toen zij voor het eerst meeging naar Egypte op een spirituele reis. Vlak voor deze reis (2009) had zij een week methode Speyer gedaan hetgeen een bewuste keuze is geweest om het proces van afronding en genezing een handje te helpen.
*** Mijn gast heeft gegeven haar persoonlijke toestemming om dit moment met je te delen, zij voelde dat wat in de Tempel van Thoth gebeurde een zichtbaar en duidelijk verschil maakte voor haar emotionele welzijn.
A Healing & Cleansing Ritual with Caroline Dekker in the Temple of Thoth
In the temple of Thoth Lorraine quietly observed our meditation and captured the profound effects of the moment for one of my guests Anke who had joined the holiday to help her to continue with a course of speyertherapy and healing.
Lorraine observes our mediations during the tour, which enables her to perhaps offer some guests more of an insight as to what happened to them and why, as they can each have a profound reaction in different temples or places, and with her knowledge of the temples and history of the Gods, it offers her an insight that many others would overlook, and she can understand how different reactions occur within people, and its relation to the specific temple or Gods that we are surrounded by, as ancient Egyptian religion and temples are a reflection of the universe and the human soul, effecting us through sound sight and senses.
Thoth is the Ancient Egyptian God of Wisdom and intuition. In this small quiet area with my guests I used meditation with incense, and the Tibetan bowl, to help work out any stress that was stored in their bodies and dna, the bowl works on sound waves and helps with healing. Once I am working I am completely enclosed in the energy surrounding us and automatically respond to my guests needs.
'I must admit I was very moved by the whole experience, and watching you I almost felt you wipe away the anguish from her with the cleansing ritual that you performed in a very calm methodical way, and also I noticed Anke seemed very happy as the holiday progressed, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. I noticed she made rapid improvements from that point.' the video is very powerful and emotional and creates a lasting impression, showing a healing and release of emotional baggage.
***All that guests shown on my websites or links have given their approval of photo images or videos on tour, I always ask my guests on tour if they would prefer not to be seen on photos or movies, and obviously if they prefer not to be filmed then I respect their wishes.
Lorraine observes our mediations during the tour, which enables her to perhaps offer some guests more of an insight as to what happened to them and why, as they can each have a profound reaction in different temples or places, and with her knowledge of the temples and history of the Gods, it offers her an insight that many others would overlook, and she can understand how different reactions occur within people, and its relation to the specific temple or Gods that we are surrounded by, as ancient Egyptian religion and temples are a reflection of the universe and the human soul, effecting us through sound sight and senses.
Thoth is the Ancient Egyptian God of Wisdom and intuition. In this small quiet area with my guests I used meditation with incense, and the Tibetan bowl, to help work out any stress that was stored in their bodies and dna, the bowl works on sound waves and helps with healing. Once I am working I am completely enclosed in the energy surrounding us and automatically respond to my guests needs.
'I must admit I was very moved by the whole experience, and watching you I almost felt you wipe away the anguish from her with the cleansing ritual that you performed in a very calm methodical way, and also I noticed Anke seemed very happy as the holiday progressed, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. I noticed she made rapid improvements from that point.' the video is very powerful and emotional and creates a lasting impression, showing a healing and release of emotional baggage.
***All that guests shown on my websites or links have given their approval of photo images or videos on tour, I always ask my guests on tour if they would prefer not to be seen on photos or movies, and obviously if they prefer not to be filmed then I respect their wishes.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Greco-Roman Bahariya, mummies, cemetries, death masks

When visiting the area of Bahriya oasis with my groups and our wonderful spiritual christian egyptian guide, Ibrahim,enthusiastically leads us to the ancient cemetry sites, delves into cave like tombs to find, mummies wrapped in just linen, possible mercenaries of Alexander the great in the area, we have entered an area of Egypt that has the strongest connections where history is woven and blends with the history of the Ancient Greek and Roman rules of Egypt.
Alexandra the great had a temple built here, and it became a thriving town for the wine trade,that brought alot of wealth to the area, allowing merchants to have tombs built for themselves, and it also developed an extensive Roman cemetry. It is this area in which the golden mummies were found.What makes these Greco-Roman mummies and their death masks so extraordinary,is that the Romans blended their beliefs with the ancient egyptian practice of preserving the bodies for the afterlife,but they painted their mummy faces to show a realistic impression of the face of the deceased, which offers a feeling of actually 'knowing' the deceased.
The unusual faces or death masks of Bahariya offered us an impression of people with individual characters, their pasts an promise of an afterlife. The images are personalised, sometimes in touching ways. One female mummy that we saw in the museum has beautiful eyes that are accentuated by eyeliner, and it reminded me of a saying of my own grandmothers, 'always dress to impress as you never know what might happen to you, this young woman obviously wanted to be seen at her best in the afterlife.
for more information of bookings, visit our websites
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Al Qasr A video brought to life with amazing sounds of Egyptian desert
The vibrancy of Egyptians western desert is brought to life with the music to this video,On top of a mountain overlooking the Dakla oasis, the ancient town of al qasr is still standing proud after many centuries, with perfectly preserved buildings and implements. I am sure this video will bring wonderful memories back for some of my guests and friends who have visited this ancient town with me on my western desert tour that I take to Egypt every christmas and new year. Some of my guests are just simply drawn to the life of the desert, which is a completely different experience to the tours of the ancient sites on the River Nile.
see my website for more information
see my website for more information
Muzawaka Tombs In Western Desert

Every Christmas and New year I take a group into the western desert to refresh the body with clarity energy vibrancy and amazing atmosphere of the Egyptian Western desert. This year we visited the tombs of Muzawaka in Dakhleh Oasis, near ancient Amheida,which was incredible as the tombs are still full of mummies! In this place you look death in the face, you think of the human souls and their lives who have layed in these tombs, since the first and second second centuries after the birth of Jesust Christ. This is an awesome experience and left me with a most poignant effect. Boujewin enthusiastically investigated lots of the tombs and was really effected with his experience in this necropolis. Have a look at this facinating video of the tombs full of mummies.

for more information see my websites: Triade Travel
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Ancient Egyptian Prayer to the Goddess Bastet

Beloved Bastet, mistress of happiness and bounty, twin of the Sun God, slay the evil that afflicts our minds as you slay the serpent Apep. With your graceful stealth anticipate the moves of all who perpetrate cruelties and stay their hands against the children of light. Grant us the joy of song and dance, and ever watch over us in the lonely places in which we must walk - Ancient Egyptian Prayer to the Goddess Bastet
I love cats and have always had an affinity with them,and have four cats of my own at home. In Egypt Bubastis was dedicated to the worship of 'Bastet'the Ancient Egyptian Cat Goddess,the name Bubastisis means "realm of the cat." Bastet was a friend of humanity, who loved music and dance. She was a source of joy and pleasure. Bastet protected people from sadness, hunger, and illnesses from the body and mind, which if you think about your own cat at home, they do offer us this love and joy, and just sitting quietly stroking your cat as they purr is a comfort to us.
Bastet also protected people from the action of ghosts, evil spirits, and demons. Once a year a great festival was held to honor Baset. The festival lasted for three days. On the night of the third day,one candle was lit inside the temple of Baset. Then the light was spread around the town, Prayers and hyms are recited accompanied by incenseand prayers and hymns were mummies were found.
In the cemetry at Bubastis over 30,000 cat mummies were found, in the tombs in the valley of the kings you sometimes see cats defending and fighting the apep snake which was considered as totally evil.Bastet was portrayed either completely as a cat, or a beautiful slender feline woman with the beautiful cat head.
I would be lost without my own cats, they are a constant source of comfort to me. When I was in egypt my friend had a cat called Sabina, but my friend called her silly bina because of how she would scitter about and play on the rooftop,Egyptians today no longer have the reverence for cats that their ancient ancestors had and cats are often left to fend for themselves in the streets which is sad. Me and silly bina in luxor

caroline dekker,
cats in ancient egypt,
prayer to bastet
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Apocalypse
Their are many spells and hymns in the Egyptian book of the Dead, in one passage the creator God Amun describes how after millions of millions of years I will destroy all that I have made, this world will return to Nu, to the limitless waters, like its original state as described in the creation myth, Following this Apocalypse only two cosmic forces will survive, I and Osiris will be the remainder, and then I will come and sit with him in one place.
According to Egyptian cosmonology Amun was the original source of all the worlds elements and forces, Osiris as the God of afterlife, promised life after death, together they offer a vision of a future that will be re-created again, as the human soul lasts for eternity among the stars.
The Ancient Egyptians knew the book of the dead as the book of coming forth, this book was a collection of hymns, spells, and instructions to assist the deceased to pass through many obstacles placed in their way as they journeyed through the afterlife, it helped to overcome these terrors, genies, and the Apep snake which was considered as the force of chaos and personification of all that was evil, with the help of the book of the dead they would pass safely into the hall of Judgement for their Trial, and if they were found a righteous person, then they would sit at the side of Osiris and enjoy life eternal.
According to Egyptian cosmonology Amun was the original source of all the worlds elements and forces, Osiris as the God of afterlife, promised life after death, together they offer a vision of a future that will be re-created again, as the human soul lasts for eternity among the stars.
The Ancient Egyptians knew the book of the dead as the book of coming forth, this book was a collection of hymns, spells, and instructions to assist the deceased to pass through many obstacles placed in their way as they journeyed through the afterlife, it helped to overcome these terrors, genies, and the Apep snake which was considered as the force of chaos and personification of all that was evil, with the help of the book of the dead they would pass safely into the hall of Judgement for their Trial, and if they were found a righteous person, then they would sit at the side of Osiris and enjoy life eternal.
ancient egyptian afterlife,
book of the dead,
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Margaret A Murray In Egypt - An Egyptologist and Spiritual Woman
The 'Egyptian temples' by Margaret Murray, was a book I was very happy to find in a charity shop recently, brilliant places for all sorts of wonders!, reading her book activated my interest in the woman herself, and I discovered what a really interesting woman she was :
Margaret Alice Murray (July 13, 1863 – November 13, 1963). Margaret led an amazing life fo over 100 years, she was a prominent British anthropologist and Egyptologist, she was the first female Egyptologist to be employed at the University of Manchester on behalf of the Museum. In 1908, she unwrapped “The Two Brothers”, mummies from a Middle Kingdom non-royal burial excavated by Flinders Petrie, he is shown in this photograph with her below.
In the late 1890's Margaret worked with Flinders Petrie and his wife at The Osirion at Abydos, a place another fellow spiritual woman was later drawn to, Omm Seti who was also an Egyptologist that believed in reincarnation.
Margaret became ill whilst working on excavations in Egypt and in 1915 she returned to recover her health in England near her home in Glastonbury, which then inspired her interest in Wicca and witch craft, that she also wrote many books about.
In 1931 she published a book on Egyptian archeology, The Splendor That Was Egypt.
Margaret remained very active well into her old age writing many books and following her interest in witchcraft and wicca, and in her one-hundredth year published her own autobiography entitled: My First Hundred Years. In the book she records her belief in reincarnation, her faith in the human soul, and the soul’s survival after bodily death, which were also the beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians, who were the the first to teach that the human soul is immortal.
In the Egyptian Book of the Dead a sentence states, "I am the Benu, the soul of Ra, and the guide of the gods in the Tuat (underworld). Their divine souls come forth upon the earth to do the will of their kas, let therefore the soul of Osiris
Ani come forth to do the will of his ka. ... The ka-name relates to the vital essence of an individual.
Approaching Egypt from a spiritual level as I do with meditation, helps people to 'remember' pieces of past lives, for the soul lives on along with many memories and lessons to learn.
Margaret Alice Murray (July 13, 1863 – November 13, 1963). Margaret led an amazing life fo over 100 years, she was a prominent British anthropologist and Egyptologist, she was the first female Egyptologist to be employed at the University of Manchester on behalf of the Museum. In 1908, she unwrapped “The Two Brothers”, mummies from a Middle Kingdom non-royal burial excavated by Flinders Petrie, he is shown in this photograph with her below.

In the late 1890's Margaret worked with Flinders Petrie and his wife at The Osirion at Abydos, a place another fellow spiritual woman was later drawn to, Omm Seti who was also an Egyptologist that believed in reincarnation.
Margaret became ill whilst working on excavations in Egypt and in 1915 she returned to recover her health in England near her home in Glastonbury, which then inspired her interest in Wicca and witch craft, that she also wrote many books about.
In 1931 she published a book on Egyptian archeology, The Splendor That Was Egypt.
Margaret remained very active well into her old age writing many books and following her interest in witchcraft and wicca, and in her one-hundredth year published her own autobiography entitled: My First Hundred Years. In the book she records her belief in reincarnation, her faith in the human soul, and the soul’s survival after bodily death, which were also the beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians, who were the the first to teach that the human soul is immortal.
In the Egyptian Book of the Dead a sentence states, "I am the Benu, the soul of Ra, and the guide of the gods in the Tuat (underworld). Their divine souls come forth upon the earth to do the will of their kas, let therefore the soul of Osiris
Ani come forth to do the will of his ka. ... The ka-name relates to the vital essence of an individual.
Approaching Egypt from a spiritual level as I do with meditation, helps people to 'remember' pieces of past lives, for the soul lives on along with many memories and lessons to learn.
Kalabsha Temple - A Greek Hymn to Mandulis in Graffitti translated

As much as I adore the history of the Egyptian temples I have a fascination with the graffitti found on and within them., as these are traces of a human soul, a remembrance of a life, footsteps of a presence in time centuries previous that we are now also standing in,and I often wonder about the person who wrote their graffitti, so to my joy I came across a selection of very old books about Egypt in a charity shop last week, and wonderfully one of the old books records the actual translation in English of the actual piece of Graffiti that had filled me with curiosity since I found it myself on the panel in Kalabsha temple that we visited on our spiritual tour in December, and what a joy of poetic hymn this piece of graffitti is, so moving and spiritual, so I will relate it to you.
'When I had gone to contemplate this blessed place of peace, to breathe in the air the sweet breath of life, new ideas,strange to my former life, whirled round my spirit on all sides. Since my conscience had no vice with which to reproach me, my nature then called on me to cultivate the mystic works. Then, becoming a scholar, I composed a varied song, thanks to the noble eloquent spirit which the gods bestowed on me. When the muse made me clearly pleasing to the gods, I shook the Bacchi crown adorned with flowering grass, and then a grotto of sleep staling me straight away transported me quickly into a country which is dear to me. For it seemed me that I was bathing my body in the streams of a river, and the sweet abundant waters of the Nile laved me pleasantly. I thought that I was singing a beautiful song in noble words inspired by the muses, in harmony with all the nymphs. Thinking it a dainty left by Greece I have written on the stone this inspiration of my wise heart. After having moved my limbs as one moves in tune, obeying the baton, I called in, to join with the song, the help of this inscription, without knowing whether I was leaving a cause for blame to unsympathetic souls; but the master called me to speak this learned poetry. Then the great Mandulis descended from Olympus. He softened the barbaric style of Ethiopia, and exhorted me to sing in sweet Hellenic verse that, thanks to thee, man's life can vaunt that is is foreseen, that Day and Night adore thee, and all the Hours, they call thee Brieth Mandulis of the same parents, divine stars rising together in one constellation. Thyself, thou badest me to come and inscribe this in thine honour, and to expose these learned writings to the harse judgement of all men'

The actual temple of Kalabsha was created durng the Graeco-Roman period,and took its present form during the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus,its dedicated to Mandulis, From the "Vision of Mandulis" we find the unforced equation of this Nubian solar deity to Egyptian Horus and to the Greek Apollo, which is what also probably inspired the Greek Hymn translated above.
New Kalabsha Island has been re-created itself with many of the sacred sections that stand on it, that were rescued in the same manner as Abu simbel. Here we saw Gerf Hussien and Biet en Wali, where our group held an angel spiritual meditation inside the chamber,this had once been turned into a coptic church,but now has returned to the original state that ramses 11 created.
A glorious kiosk stands proudly on the edge of the rocks looking out to sea, bathing in the warmth and brilliance of the Egyptian sun, to the glory of the Goddess Hathor whose smile greets us and welcome us within her Kiosk, where I experienced a wonderful feeling of love, a blessing from Hathor herself, and as I rested and felt the warmth of Light energy infuse my body, offering me new light energy and inspiration, I remember the beauty of this place surrounded by the sparking Turquoise sea of the Nile that laps around this wonderful Island, I hope my fellow friends of the group have happy memories also of our trip here - Love to you all from Lorraine & Caroline.
To watch our video of the group on Kalabsha:
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Nefertari Beloved wife of Ramses the Great 'the Beautiful One'
Ramses built the most beautiful tomb for his favorite and beloved wife Nefertari whose name means 'the most beautiful'. Nefertari’s tomb, her “house of eternity” is now closed to the general public, due to the damage that our breath & humidity causes to the wonderful paintings, which show Nefetari's journey after death to the afterlife, guided by various guardian-spirits and deities, including Isis, Hathor, and Osiris.
Nefertari can be seen embracing the side of Ramses leg as he sits on his throne of two lands outside Luxor tempel, and he also created for her a small temple beside his own magnificent temple at Abu Simbel, this temple was dedicated to the goddess Hathor and Nefertari, and once inside I sense a wonderful feeling of love and energy when I have visited this temple with my groups. Only pharoahs that truely loved their wives gave them such honours, the only other pharoah to honour his wife in this way was Akhenaten who dedicated a temple to Nefertiti his wife whose name means 'the beautiful one has come'
Ramses built the most beautiful tomb for his favorite and beloved wife Nefertari whose name means 'the most beautiful'. Nefertari’s tomb, her “house of eternity” is now closed to the general public, due to the damage that our breath & humidity causes to the wonderful paintings, which show Nefetari's journey after death to the afterlife, guided by various guardian-spirits and deities, including Isis, Hathor, and Osiris.
Nefertari can be seen embracing the side of Ramses leg as he sits on his throne of two lands outside Luxor tempel, and he also created for her a small temple beside his own magnificent temple at Abu Simbel, this temple was dedicated to the goddess Hathor and Nefertari, and once inside I sense a wonderful feeling of love and energy when I have visited this temple with my groups. Only pharoahs that truely loved their wives gave them such honours, the only other pharoah to honour his wife in this way was Akhenaten who dedicated a temple to Nefertiti his wife whose name means 'the beautiful one has come'
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Angels guide the Holy family to Egypt

Our Angel guides are all around us, you just have to believe and listen to that inner voice inside that is speaking to your heart.When you believe...... everything is possible
Guardian angels stay with you throughout your souls journey through many lives, they are here to help us all with our spiritual journey
After the birth of baby jesus it was the voice of an angel that spoke to Joseph in his dream and told him to take Mary and the baby Jesus to the safety of Egypt to flee from the wrath of king Herod, and they stayed in Egypt until after death.
As a spirtual person I can feel Angels around me, sometimes a flash of light catches my eye, in many photos in my home, or my garden and in the temples of Egypt I am surrounded by orbs, these are spiritual manifestations, offering me the support and love from the angels and guides.
Angels love you too, remember from the moment of your birth you have been loved and guided with your own peronal angel and guide, you have probably just forgotten and lost touch when you grew up and joined the hectic demanding world of the 'known and accepted reality'.
And so I talking to you now to remind you how much you are loved, even when we have done wrong our Angels do not judge us, they simply try to guide us back to a more supportive and beneficial path for our life, they know all your secrets, all the hurt and trials, and sometimes you were so distressed and caught up in grief you didn't feel their presence watching over you, but believe me and this is true, once you listen to the inner voice inside you and start to belive again, everything you want in life is possible again.
Angels want you to know that it is your divine birthright to live an abundant life of health, wealth and joy. They want you to know that you deserve to be loved and that you are so much more loved than you could ever comprehend.
You will begin to feel this love the moment you ask them mentally or aloud to come into your life. You will begin to notice miracles happening all over the place and your life just like mine will never be the same again because of their love support and guidance.
It is my hope that when you go to bed tonight and relax on your pillow you will start to think about these words, and may the Angels comfort you now and assist you in miraculous ways and protect you.
God Bless you,
Sending much love from Caroline Dekker
Please see my new ANGELS AROUND US WEBSITE :
or my SPIRITUAL EGYPT website if you wold like to see more about my spiritual journeys to Egypt.
Starting December 22, 2012 until January 5, 2013
After the big success of Western Desert 2010 & 2011 we are happy to offer the trip for a special price.
The wonderful journey to the Kharga & Dahkla Oases has shown us an inspiring, surprising and exciting time.
Subsequently you can enjoy the Western Desert Kharga Oasis & Dahkla trip, which is really a great experience!!
This trip is designed for people who either are alone and / or for those who likes to spend the holiday in a different way. You will return home refreshed.
Triade Travel will visit unfamiliar places unkown to the public and the big tour operators.
Time for reflection, meditation, healing baths and sources with 1 Wellness Spa Bedoiun day included you will become one with nature, and enjoy the ancient sights and experience the different energies that characterize the Dahkla & the Kharga Oasis.
Far from civilization in the beautiful desert sources we will visit, temples, tombs, mummies in the Kharga & Dahkla Oasis. Highlight of this trip to Kharga is the beautiful Dush Temple.
In Dahkla we will enjoy the natural baths, Wells, nature, very special tombs, beautifull nature and have our Bedouin Spa Day.
Included: transfer Luxorairport/hotel or luxor trainstation/hotel, 2 nights in Luxor, based on 3* hotel, bed and breakfast, 3 nights in Kharga Oases in basic hotel incl, breakfast, 9 nights in Dahkla Oases incl. breakfast, hotels in Luxor and the hotels in the desert based on bed and breakfast in 2 double room, the desert guide , 1 Spa Bedouin day, entrance fees & transfers mentioned in the program.
Required: trip cancellation and health insurance.
Deposit € 700, -- bank details will follow after sending email.
Maximum 12 participants.
Excluded: Ticket, visa, other healings / Dahkla massages, optional excursions, other meals, drinks, single room supplement, personal expenses & tips.
For More information: email me: or
or have a look on my English or Dutch websites
Triade Travel Magical & Spiritual Tours Egypt 2012/2013
Caroline Dekker
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Radiant Rainbow Healing Sierraden voor Hart, Geest, lichaam & Ziel

Mijn vriendin Iris Meijer ontwerpt en maakt haar eigen mooie en unieke sieraden genaamd Radiant Rainbow. Haar originele juwelen helpen en ondersteunen bij genezen, de ontwikkeling van lichaam, geest, hart en geest – of voor het aantrekken van liefde, overvloed, positieve energie en nog veel meer!
Elk stuk is uniek in zijn soort en wordt speciaal afgestemd en voor jou alleen gemaakt. Iris maakt de sierraden in opdracht en zijn toegesneden op de specifieke wensen van de klant. Om meer te zien van haar prachtige sieraden klik op de link naar haar huidige collectie.
Iris woont en werkt in Alexandrië en vindt haar bron van inspiratie en stenen in Egypte. Deze twee stukken tonen de Egyptische invloed in haar werk. Zodra het sierraad klaar is zorgt Iris er voor dat de stenen hun werk kunnen doen zoals helen, beschermen, dynamiek brengen in de liefde en overvloed bezorgen aan de eigenaar.

Zelf heb ik een prachtige ketting die Iris al ruim voor mijn komst had ontworpen. Zij wist toen nog niet dat dit betreffende collier voor mij bestemd was. In Luxor waar zij toen nog woonde was ik op slag verliefd op de ketting. De kleuren passen goed bij me en ik houd van de stenen die ze gebruikt heeft. Ik draag hem altijd als ik voel me gelukkig en wil dat dit zo blijft, er zijn vele mooie "ogen" in dit collier om mij te beschermen “tegen het boze oog”. Verder zijn er parels, vlinders, lapis lazuli en maanstenen in verwerkt.
U kunt nog veel meer van Iris sieraden op facebook zien
en haar eigen commentaar op haar werk.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Radiant Rainbow Healing Jewellery for the Heart Mind Body & Soul

My friend Iris Meijer has created her own beautiful and unique jewellery called Radiant Rainbow, her original pieces of jewellery help heal and develop body, mind, heart and spirit - or attract love, abundance, positive energy and lots more! Each piece is an original that will belong only to you. To see more of her beautiful jewellery follow the link to see her current collection or commissioned pieces tailored to the specific requirements of the clients. Iris lives and works in Alexandria, and finds her source of stones from Egypt, these two pieces show the egyptian influence in her work, once completed the jewellry is posted off to start its work to help invigorate heal and bring love and abundance to the owner

I have my own piece of jewellry from Iris cllection, and I always wear it when I am feeling happy and want to stay that way, there are some nice "eyes" in this one, to protect me from the evil eye, there are pearls, butterfly's, lapis lazuli and moonstones in it.

You can view lots more of Iris jewellery on facebook
and her own comments on her work as she creates the individual pieces
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Test jouw “Waarheid” door middel van een spiertest.

Als je twijfelt aan een beslissing in het leven, of twijfels hebt aan je eigen natuurlijke instincten, dan is er een eenvoudige manier om je eigen ' waarheid' te testen. Ons menszijn is dusdanig ingesteld dat het natuurlijk het beste voor zichzelf wil, wil het lichaam goed zijn, in balans en gezond.
Onze bewuste geest en ons hart zijn vaak in conflict met onze eigen verlangens maar probeert ook aan de verlangens van de ander te voldoen. We kunnen uittesten wat de werkelijke wens van ons innerlijk zelf is op een zeer eenvoudige wijze met behulp van spiertesttechnieken.
Als je rechtop staat, sta je ontspannen met je armen iets voor u of langs je zij,
sluit je ogen,
spreek hardop drie positieve affirmaties over jezelf uit te weten:
Mijn naam is ..........
Ik ben ......... jaar
Ik ben man / vrouw
Na elke affirmatie voel je een zachte beweging, ofwel achteruit of vooruit, dit kan van persoon tot persoon verschillen.
Alle drie de bovenstaande uitspraken zijn waarheden die individueel voor jou gelden. Je zult merken dat je beweegt in steeds dezelfde richting als je de vraag met JA kunt beantwoorden en je zult merken dat je lichaam zal bewegen in een tegengestelde richting als je een negatieve vraag stelt waarbij het antwoord NEE luidt.
Als voorbeeld dat ik zou kunnen zeggen: ik heb een scharlaken rode Ferrari, zal mijn lichaam zich automatisch verplaatsen in de negatieve tegenovergestelde richting van de beweringen die niet waar waren.
Je kunt de toepassing van deze techniek absoluut elke situatie gebruiken, wanneer je twijfelt, je het niet zeker weet en je begeleiding nodig hebt. Je eigen lichaam weet wat je nodig hebt en wat het beste voor je is en het zal dus antwoorden met deze test.
Dit zijn je ZIEL waarheden. Je lichaam kan zich niet bewegen op een andere manier dan trouw te zijn aan zichzelf, je kunt niet niezen met je ogen open, je lichaam sluit automatisch de ogen. Al het bovenstaande is te wijten aan natuurlijke spier reacties, zoals in de kinesiologie
caroline dekker
english website :
Inwijding Astraal Reizen in de Piramide van Gizeh

In de grote piramide van Gizeh daar ligt in de Konings kamer een granieten sarcofaag. De oude Egyptenaren gebruikten graniet, omdat voor hen graniet bekend stond als de 'geest steen'. Graniet werkt op een natuurlijke mannier met de energieën en ley-lijnen van de aarde en werd daarom gebruikt in vele heilige plaatsen. Je kunt het zien dat het werkt op een soortgelijke manier als een condensator in elektrische schakelingen, in de zin dat het mogelijk wordt maakt de energie van de aarde op te slaan en het te laten resoneren.
Door te hebben gewerkt met de energieën, vortexen, diverse meditatie vormen en mijn Tibetaanse klankschaal, het natuurlijke geluid voor genezing, in een aantal van de tempels van Egypte, denk ik persoonlijk dat de granieten sarcofaag een onderdeel was van een initiatie proces om een hoger bewustzijn ontwikkelen. Dit kan verkregen worden door middel van meditatie, terwijl je in de sarcofaag ligt. Het menselijk lichaam heeft ook zo zijn eigen energie centra, de chakra's, en wanneer deze zijn geactiveerd, en je zou in de sarcofaag liggen dan zou je voorhoofd en kruin in een directe lijn liggen met een schacht van licht dat rechtstreeks naar boven gaat door de piramide naar Orion. Dit is een ster poort die de oude Egyptenaren gebruikten om astraal te reizen. Zij reisden met het een astrale lichaam, of zij ervaarden dat zij uit het lichaam traden, of met de uiteindelijke dood van het sterfelijke lichaam waarbij onze ziel door de schacht het aardse rijk kon verlaten. Orion was de Egyptische poort voor de ziel. De chakra's van het voorhoofd en de kruin zijn waar onze gedachte (Thoth) wijsheid, verlichting, paranormale gaven, geestelijke en astrale reizen ontstaan.
Er is nog een koninginnen kamer binnen de piramide van Gizeh, ook deze kamer is bedoeld voor inwijding. Deze kamer heeft ook een schacht en die is afgestemd op de sterrengroep de Pleiaden, ook bekend als de Seven Sisters. Deze groep sterren werd altijd geassocieerd met een hoger bewustzijn, en staat bekend als de symbolische kruinchakra van de melkweg.
Voor mensen die zouden kiezen voor het verkrijgen van deze ervaring, zou ik alleen maar adviseren om regelmatig te mediteren, of kennis van Reiki of energiewerk op te doen, een sterk bewustzijn te ontwikkelen en te beschikken over heldere gedachten en denkprocessen. Daarnaast nog de eigen mogelijkheden te ontwikkelen om jezelf goed te gronden en te reinigen, want je werkt met sterke energie-verbindingen binnen je eigen lichaam en de aarde. Onderschat de verbazingwekkende kracht van de piramide, maar ook die van de tempels niet. Alleen wanneer je de controle over je eigen lichaam en geest hebt ontwikkeld zul je een dergelijke ervaring goed kunnen doorstaan en de inwijdingsproef doorlopen. Als je bang wordt bent ten tijde van de ervaring van wat er met je gebeurt of je raakt in paniek, dan zul je je eigen innerlijke kracht en noodzakelijke bescherming verliezen en vervolgens zowel lichamelijk als psychisch volkomen uit balans kunnen raken. Voor mensen met de nodige vaardigheden en ervaringen of met goede begeleiding is een dergelijke ervaring met deze zeer krachtige energiebron een geweldige ervaring.
De God Thoth is de Egyptische god van de maand, de magie, de kalender, schrijfkunst en wijsheid. Hij had volgens de mythologie het schrift uitgevonden en die kennis doorgegeven aan de mensheid. Hij trad op in de onderwereld, bij het wegen van het hart, noteerde het oordeel van de Godin Maät en bracht de overledene tot bij Osiris. In de de Emerald tablets van Thoth is er een verwijzing te vinden, die rechtstreeks betrekking heeft op de Piramide van Gizeh en het astraal reizen. Onderstaand een klein onderdeel hiervan:
Slechts weinigen hebben de moed en voldoende lef,
en slechts enkelen passeren het portaal naar donker Amenti.
Verhoogd tijdens deze doorgang, ik, een machtige piramide,
gebruik makend van de kracht die de Aarde onverwint (zwaartekracht).
Dieper en nog dieper plaats ik een kracht-huis of kamer;
vanaf daar sneed ik een circulaire passage
bijna naar de grote top.
Daar in de apex, stel ik het kristal,
die de straal in de "tijdloze ruimte zendt
daarbij de kracht vanuit de ehter trekt,
en concentreert op de toegangspoort van Amenti.
Andere kamers bouwde ik vrij en vertrok naar alle schijn,
nog verborgen in hen zijn de sleutels tot Amenti.
Hij die in moed heeft te reizen naar de donkere rijken,
laat hem eerst worden gezuiverd door lang te vasten.
Lig in de sarcofaag van steen in mijn kamer.
Dan zal ik hem de grote mysteries onthullen
hij zal mij daar volgen naar de plaats waar ik hem zal ontmoeten,
zelfs in de duisternis van de aarde zal ik hem ontmoeten,IK,
Thoth, Heer van Wijsheid, kom hem tegemoet en houd hem
bij mij.
Gebouwd heb ik de Grote Piramide,
het patroon van de piramide naar de aarde kracht
eeuwig brandend zodat het ook
blijft door de eeuwen heen.
Daarin bouwde ik mijn kennis van "Magic-Science"
zodat ik hier zou zijn als ik weer terugkeer uit Amenti,
Aye, terwijl ik slaap in de Hallen van Amenti,
mijn Ziel uit vrije wil incarneert,
huist bij mannen in deze of in een andere vorm.
Om een spirituele reis naar Egypte te maken en de geweldige energie te ervaren met Caroline Dekker zie haar websites:
De Dush Tempel in de Westelijke Woestijn – Gewijd aan de Goden Isis & Osiris Horus, haar binnen muren waren bedekt met goud.

Triade Travel gaat deze prachtige tempel weer bezoeken tijdens de komende trip naar Egypte op 24/12/2011. 15 daagse Wellness, Culturele & Spirituele reis (tot 7/1/2012)
Onze gids Ibrahim nam ons mee naar de tempel van Dush diep in de woestijn, wat ooit het gebied was geweest van een Romeins garnizoen. De energie in de tempel was prachtig, de wind in de woestijn liet het het zand eroderen en wij werden zowel buiten als in de tempel gereinigd. We hadden een prachtige meditatie in de tempel. Ibrahim vertelde ons over de historie van de tempel toen we klaar waren.
De tempel is gewijd aan Osris, Isis en hun zoon Horus. De Romeinen, omarmden en aanvaarden deze drie oude Egyptische goden Osiris omdat hij net als Jezus werd herboren en Isis net als Maria, moest haar kind Horus verbergen en beschermen tegen de god Seth, die hem zou doden.
Osiris beloofde de Romeinen iets dat geen enkele Romeinse God hun gaf, namelijk een leven na de dood. Deze wedergeboorte kon alleen plaatsvinden, in het land van Aleysia, als ze het oordeel konden doorstaan en als bleek dat ze een waardevol leven hadden geleid.
De tempel werd gebouwd door Domitianus tussen 81 en 96 na Christus. Trajon (117 na Christus) en Hadrianus hebben bijgedragen aan deze tempel. Men gelooft dat de innerlijke ruimte van de tempel muren had die deels waren bedekt met goud. De tempel bestaat uit verschillende gebieden, waaronder twee rechtbanken, een kleine hypostyle hal met slechts vier Zuilen en een heiligdom. In de tempel vind je vele inscripties die verwijzen naar de Romeinse keizers Hadrianus en Trajon. De poort werd ook gebruikt door 19-eeuwse reizigers, die hun eigen namen toevoegden bij de ingang.
Talloze voorwerpen zijn opgegraven in en rond het tempel gebied met inbegrip van aardewerk, munten, scherven en sieraden. Overigens als je nu in het gebied loopt dan zie je overal nog aardewerk scherven. Een van de meest interessante vondsten zijn brieven, kwitanties, garnizoen lijsten en facturen.
In 1989 tijdens een opgraving van een Franse groep archeologen, werd er een prachtige collectie van artefacten ontdekt, beter bekend de 'Dush Treasure', die nu in Caïro in het Egyptisch Museum te vinden is.
Zij ontdekten een in linnen verpakt verguld beeldje van Isis, een kleine bronzen figuur van Horus die gekleed was als een Romeinse soldaat, en een bronzen figuur van Osiris. Er werd ook nog een grote aardewerk pot gevonden die was verborgen in metselwerk. Dit om te voorkomen dat het gestolen zou worden. Men vond op die geheime plek een schat aan prachtige gouden sieraden, religieuze en ex-votos objecten. Deze waardevolle items hebben zij kennelijk bij elkaar verzameld en voor de veiligheid verborgen in de pot tijdens de 4de-5de eeuw na Chr. De religieuze schat was van de hoogste kwaliteit en blonk uit van vakmanschap. Hieronder bevond zich een gouden kroon met de beeltenis van de Romeinse god Serapis evenals armbanden en hangers van goud en half-edelstenen.
Deze tempel ligt ongeveer 300 km ten westen van Luxor en ongeveer 90 km ten zuiden van Kharga. De overblijfselen van de eens bloeiende stad Kysis zijn verspreid over de heuvels rond het fort en de tempel, samen met de bijbehorende begraafplaatsen die op de noordelijke en westelijke zijden liggen. De Romeinse begraafplaats heeft onversierde graven en hier vind je een christelijke kerk. Vermoedelijk werd de stad enige tijd na de 4e eeuw na Chr. verlaten omdat de putten opgedroogd raakten.
english website
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Villa of the Birds - Kom El Dikka met Caroline Dekker

Terwijl we het rustieke, lieflijke Amfitheater Kom el Dikka bezochten, waren we ook in de gelegenheid de 'villa van de vogels' te bekijken. Een groot deel van de originele vloer is bewaard gebleven. Het is prachtig verfijnd maar ingewikkelde mozaïek tegels met afbeeldingen van prachtige vogels. Deze vloer kwam uit de resten van een grote villa die daar oorspronkelijk stond. Vandaar de naam Villa of the Birds, dit stamt uit de regeerperiode van Hadrianus. Net als vele Romeinse woningen had de villa een prachtige mozaïekvloer in de centrale kamer, je vindt er diverse afbeeldingen van verschillende soorten vogels. Deze villa staat bekend als een van de best bewaard gebleven voorbeelden van een grote Romeinse verblijf in Egypte. De villa was oorspronkelijk door brand vernietigd, maar grote delen van de mozaïek tegelvloer zijn gerepareerd en gerestaureerd. We liepen rond op een verhoogde vloer boven de originele vloer, dit is gemaakt ter bescherming van deze prachtig afgewerkte vloeren.
Kom el Dikka Romeinse Amfitheater Alexandrië

In januari 2010 ben ik naar Alexandrië gereisd om mijn vriendin en collega-gids Iris Meijer, die nu in Alexandrië woont op te zoeken. Iris nam me mee voor een bezoek aan Kom el Dikka het lieflijke Romeinse amfitheater, wat een van haar favoriete plekken in Alexandrië is.. Dit is het enige Romeinse amfitheater in Egypte. Kom el Dikka betekent berg van een ruïne, oorspronkelijk waren er ook resten van het Fort van Napoleon.

Het amfitheater heeft marmeren trappen, de sfeer is daar sereen en het is er over het algemeen rustig. We zijn met elkaar gaan mediteren toen we alleen waren. Dit hele gebied is vol met geesten en ik voelde dat ik meerdere malen aangeraakt werd tijdens mijn meditatie. Ik zat tussen Iris en Boudewijn in, maar wel met een flinke ruimte tussen ons in. Toen ik gluurde ten tijde van de Romeinse amfitheater om te kijken of één van die twee een geintje met me aan het uithalen was, zag ik dat beiden in een diepe meditatie waren. Hierop ben ik contact gaan leggen met de Spirits die me aanraakten. Ze zijn vrolijk, enthousiast en ik werd ongelofelijk blij van hen. De energie is echt leuk en de geesten waren zo enthousiast dat er mensen zijn die hen opmerkten en naar hen luisterden. Het leek erop alsof ze zich met z’n allen op ons storten en als het ware over elkaar heenbuitelden als een soort van inhaalslag voor hen om maar vooral te kunnen communiceren met ons. Het voelde dat ze bijna niet konden wachten tot wij reageerden. Voor mij voelde het dat hier lezingen werden gegeven maar ook spelen ten tonele werden gevoerd. Het is een mooi en vooral lieflijk theater in een mooie omgeving omringd door groen, kleine palmbomen en het biedt een atmosfeer van de Mediterane sfeer van Alexandrie.

Het was voor mij weer een heel aangename en bijzonder plezierige ervaring om in contact te zijn met de Romeinse cultuur, omdat het grootste aandeel van mijn werk in de tempels van de oude Egyptische periode ligt.
Het theater vond ik echt mooi, oorspronkelijk waren er overal mozaïek tegel decoraties, er is nog een klein deel ervan te zien. Het marmeren zitgedeelte steeg als het ware boven mij uit, toen ik in het midden van het theater stond, het was net alsof ze om me heen cirkelden in dertien rijen. Ik voelde me helemaal opgeheven en ik kon bijna het gelach van de oude Romeinen horen.

We hebben gewandeld langs de paden die gebruikt werden voor de Romeinse badhuizen, en we prachtige baden gezien. Stel je eens voor, de luxe van het baden in die tijd in een prachtig albasten bad!
Alexandrië is een prachtige stad, relaxed, mooie oude gebouwen, prachtig gelegen aan de Middellandse Zee. Voor een ieder die Alexandrië wil bezoeken, boek bij Iris, zij is een geweldige gids en weet als geen ander dé plekjes in deze omgeving! Zie haar website!
caroline dekker,
Romeinse amfitheater
Vortex Energie Egypte

Tijdens mijn laatste reis naar de westelijke woestijn waren we in de gelukkige omstandigheden een draaikolk van energie te ervaren in de woestijn, het was een geweldige energiekolk. Een vortex is een spiraal van hoge energie, die afkomstig is van magnetische, spirituele en leylijnen van de aarde. Wanneer je goed naar de foto kijkt dan zie je de vortex rechts in beeld. Het was een geweldig ervaring om in de draaikolk te staan en te mediteren, de draaikolk gaf een geweldige dosis energie toen wij een verbinding met onze eigen chakra’s, onze eigen energie en de energie van de aarde maakten.
Een vortex wordt vaak beschouwd als doorgang of portaal naar de andere rijken, dimensies en domeinen. Een vortex kan helpen met het genezende werk voor het lichaam en het opnieuw leven inblazen van energie, waarbij er vooral goed te werken is met kristallen op deze gebieden. In het gebied bij de vallei der koningen heb ik prachtige kristallen gevonden. Een aantal van die kristallen ligt verspreid in mijn eigen huis, ze helpen me bij het op peil houden van de goede energie in mijn woon- werk en slaapkamer. De energie in en rond mijn huis voelt zeer helder en schoon en ik kan ook zien dat de energie schoon is.
Veel heilige tempels en kerken zijn gebouwd op de leylijnen en vortex energie punten, waar de lijnen en de vortex elkaar kruisen daar is de energie enorm verhoogd. Gizeh Piramide en stonehenge zijn onder andere bekende plekken van deze fantastische energie.
Tijdens onze reis naar Kalabsha herinner ik me dat ik een van mijn gasten leidde en liet staan op een vortex plek die ik had gevonden in de tempel van Kalabsha, uiteraard werken verschillende energieën op verschillende manieren bij mensen uit.Toen ik lorraine op die plek plaatste kon ze niet stoppen met giegelen! Ze bleef op en af springen op die plek en begon vervolgens steeds weer te giegelen het giegelen werkte zo aanstekelijk dat wij met z’n allen ons kostelijk hebben vermaakt. Kalabsha is een heerlijk eiland waarbij de energie zeer schoon, helder en levendig voelt en ziet en het is een prachtig gebied om te mediteren met mijn groepen.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Fort Qaitbey Alexandria with Iris Meijer & Caroline Dekker

Together with my friend and felow tour guide Iris Meijer we visied Fort Qaitbey, which is an amazing experience offering the real feel of the various layers of military dominance of Alexandria, this ancient defense stands on a narrow peninsula overlooking the sea on the eastern point of the Pharos Island. It was erected on the site of the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria, which was known to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

The Fort was built in the 15th century by the Sultan Al-Ashraf Abou Anasr Saif El-Din Qaitbay El-Jerkasy Al-Zahiry, He was a Mamluke who had come to Egypt as a young man. He became one of the most important Mameluke Sultans, and ruled for about 29 years. He provided the fort with a brave legion of soldiers and various weapons.

Throughout the Mameluke period, and due to its strategic location, the Citadel was well maintained by all the rulers who came after Qaitbay.
The Sultan Qansoh El-Ghoury increased the strength of the garrison, providing it with various weapons and equipment. It included a large prison made for the princes and the state-men who had obviously found disfavour with the sultan.
After the Ottoman Turks had conquered Egypt, they also maintained the fort and stationed it with infantry, artillery, a company of drummers and trumpeters, masons and carpenters.
As the Ottoman military became weak, the Citadel began to lose its military importance.
In 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte brought his expedition to Egypt and they took over the fort, and brought their weapons to the garrison.
When Mohammed Ali became the ruler of Egypt in 1805, he renovated the old Citadel, restoring and repairing its outer ramparts, and he provided the stronghold with the most modern weapons of the period.
In 1882 the British fleet bombarded Alexandria causing severe destruction to the fort, and it remained in ruins until king Farouk decided he wanted to have it restored.
Since then it has been a maritime museum and has been greatly improved by the work of the antiquities service.
To enjoy the history of Egypt with a Spiritual twist, please see either my own website or Iris website
english website:
Villa of the Birds at Alexandria

Whilst visitingKom el dikka ampithea we were also able to see the area that is known as the 'villa of the birds',it has tiny intricate mosaic tiles of beautiful birds,which are from the remains of a large villa that originally stood here dating to the reign of Hadrian. Like many roman residenes it had a stunning mosaic floor in the main room depicting various species of birds. This is known to be one of the best-preserved examples of a large Roman residence in Egypt. The villa was originally destroyed with fire, but large sections of the mosaic tile floor have been repaired and restored. We walked around a raised floor with over head shelter created to protect this beutiful workmanship.

see my Spiritual Egypt website for more information on tours and my work
or my dutch website :
Kom el Dikka Roman Amphitheatre at Alexandria

When I visited my friend and fellow tour guide Iris Meijer who now lives in Alexandria, she took me to visit Kom el Dikka Roman Amphitheatre, which is the only Roman ampitheatre in Egypt. Kom el Dikka means mountain of ruin, originaly there were remains of the Napoleon Fortress.
The ampitheatre has marbel stairs, and we sat quietly and meditated as we were alone. The whole area is full of spirits and I felt like I had been touched several times. The energy is really nice and the spirits were very excited that there were people noticing them and listening to them. To me it felt like lectures were held here as well as plays. It is a beuatiful theatre in a nice environment surrounded by greenery and small palm trees offering a real taste of the Mediterean atmosphere of Alexandria, It was most enjoyable to have an experience of Roman culture, as most of my work is in the major temples of the ancient Egyptian period.

The theatre was really beautiful, originally it would of had mosaic tile decorations, and a marbal seating area, as I stood in the center of the theatre from the play area, the seats rose above and circled around me in thirteen rows, I felt totally uplifted and felt I could almost hear the laughter of the ancient romans.
Walking along the paths we passed areas used for roman bath houses, and we saw beautiful baths that I would die for, imagine the luxury of bathing in a gorgeous alabaster bath!

Experincing Vortex Energies in Egypt

On my recent trip to the Western desert we were very fortunate to find and exerience a vortex of energy in the desert,it was an amazing energy rush. A vortex is a spiral of high energy, that can originate from magnetic, spiritual and ley lines of the earth, if you look closly at the photo you will just see an outline of it. It was an amazing experince to stand inside the vortex and to do a meditation here, the vortex offered an amazing boost of energy as we made a connection with our own chakra energy and the earth.
A vortex has often been considered to be gateways or portals to other realms, both spiritual and dimensional. A vortex can help with healing work for the body and reinvigorate it with energy,it especially good to work with crystals in these areas, I have three crystals in my own home that I found near the valley of the kings, and the energy within my home feels very clear and clean.
Many sacred temples and churches are built over the ley lines and vortex energy points that are known about, where the lines cross the enegy is increased. Giza Pyramid and stonhenge are well known spots of this amazing enery.
During our trip to Kalabsha I remember directing one of my guests to standing on a vortex spot I had found inside the temple of Kalabsha, obviously different energies affect people in different ways,and when I put lorraine on the spot she couldn't stop giggling at the experience! She kept jumping off it and then getting back on again and giggling to my amusement. Kalabsha is a wondeful island that feels clean clear and vibrant and a wonderful area to meditate with my groups.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Christmas in Egypt - relaxing spa & meditations in Dakhla & Kharga Oasis
Every Christmas & New year I take a group to experience the wonderful clean & vibrant energies of Western Desert - If you are interested in joining the group please contact me caroline dekker on
or see either my dutch website:
or my english website:
Every Christmas & New year I take a group to experience the wonderful clean & vibrant energies of Western Desert - If you are interested in joining the group please contact me caroline dekker on
or see either my dutch website:
or my english website:
CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR in Kharga & Dahkla Oases with Caroline Dekker 2009-2010

Enjoy a time for reflection, meditation, healing baths and springs, and to feel at one with the Western Desert & nature. Enjoy the ancient sites and experience the clean vibrant earth energies that are so characteristic to the Dahkla & the Kharga Oasis,to harmonize with your own chakra energies and revitalize your body. We enjoy meditation, healing baths and springs, vibrancy and inner calm, peace and being at one with nature.

Far from civilization in the beautiful Western Desert you will find, temples, tombs and a museum in Kharga Oasis, with the beautiful Dush Temple. In this temple we connect ourselves to the energy within this wonderful desert holy place, a temple that was embraced by the Romans and was dedicated to the triad Osiris, Isis and Horus.

Dahkla Oasis, is a serene, beautiful oasis with vast resources, baths, a mountainous landscape that are unparalleled in tombs and graves and the lovely Roman Deir al-Hagar Temple.

This trip includes 2 nights in Luxor, 2 nights in the Kharga Oasis and 9 nights in Dahkla Oasis 2 healings and 1 day Bedouin Spa by our local healer in Dahkla Oasis.
Each day we will visit the baths in the oases. In Dahkla Oasis. We will visit temples and tombs, and a factory Arabesque, carpetfactory (rugs and carpets) and a woodwork factory.
Date: 19/12/2010 to 02/01/2011 Book your flight tickets in time it will be very busy in December! Departure: Luxor / Egypt
Price: € 1.850 - valid for departure from Luxor
Included: transfer Luxor airport / train station / hotel, all transfers as in program, 2 nights in 4 * hotel in Luxor, hotel based on b&b in 2 double room with air conditioning, 3 nights in Kharga Oasis & 9 nights In Dahkla, the hotels in the desert are basic and based on b & b in double room , all meals in the desert, english speaking tourguide, entrance fees mentioned in the program and all other meals in the desert & tips.
Excluded: flight ticket, healings / Dahkla massages, optional excursions, other meals, drinks, 1 single room supplement, personal expenses.
Supplement 1 room € 165, --
Required: trip cancellation and health insurance.
Opinion: any vaccinations (ask your doctor/ travel clinic)
Specify: as soon as possible regarding Christmas rush!
Passport Data and (purchase) payment of € 700, - bank details will follow by mail.
For more information please contact caroline dekker email :
please see my website for more information
or my dutch website :
Friday, 29 January 2010
Astral Travel Initiation in GIZA PYRAMID

Inside the great pyramid of Giza in the Kings Chamber lies a granite sarcophagus. The ancient Egyptians used granite because to them it was known as ‘spirit stone’, because granite works with the natural energies and ley-lines of the world and was therefore used in many sacred sites, it works in a similar way to a capacitor in electrical circuits, in the sense that it allows the earth’s energy to build up and resonate.
Having worked with the energies and vortex spots using meditation and my Tibetan bowl for natural sound healing in some of the temples of Egypt, I personally believe the granite sarcophagus was part of an initiation process to develop higher consciousness, through meditation whilst lying within the sarcophagus. The human body also has its own energy centers, the chakras, and once these are activated, if you were to lay in the sarcophagus, the forehead and crown would be in direct line with a shaft of light that travels directly through the pyramid to Orion, this is a star gate which the ancient Egyptians aspired to travel to either as an astral body, out of body experience, or with the final death of the mortal body (our shell), Orion was the Egyptian gateway for the soul. The chakras of the forehead and crown are where our thought (Thoth) wisdom, enlightenment, psychic abilities, spiritual and astral travel rise from.
The Queens chamber also inside Giza pyramid is another initiation, this chamber also has a shaft that is aligned with the Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters, this star cluster has always been associated with higher consciousness, and is known as the symbolic crown chakra of the galaxy

Many people would choose to experience this, and some have to their confusion, I would only advise a person who has regular meditation, or knowledge of Reiki, a strong conscious mind and thought process, who has the ability to ground themselves and cleanse themselves to consider this experience, because you are working with strong energy connections within your own body and the earth, in an amazing power house, and unless you are in control of your mind and body, if you became frightened by the experience of what is happening to you and panic you will lose your own inner strength and necessary protection, and then the body can become unbalanced. For people with the necessary skill to experience this energy source it is an amazing experience.
For the wisdom of the God Thoth, their is a section witihin the Emerald tablets of thoth that directly relates to the Pyramid of Giza and astral travel. I offer you this small section :
Few there would be with courage to dare it,
few pass the portal to dark Amenti.
Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid,
using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity).
Deep and yet deeper place I a force-house or chamber;
from it carved I a circular passage
reaching almost to the great summit.
There in the apex, set I the crystal,
sending the ray into the "Time-Space,"
drawing the force from out of the ether,
concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti.
Other chambers I built and left vacant to all seeming,
yet hidden within them are the keys to Amenti.
He who in courage would dare the dark realms,
let him be purified first by long fasting.
Lie in the sarcophagus of stone in my chamber.
Then reveal I to him the great mysteries.
Soon shall he follow to where I shall meet him,
even in the darkness of Earth shall I meet him, I,
Thoth, Lord of Wisdom, meet him and hold him
and dwell with him always.
Built I the Great Pyramid,
patterned after the pyramid of Earth force,
burning eternally so that it, too,
might remain through the ages.
In it, I built my knowledge of "Magic-Science"
so that I might be here when again I return from Amenti,
Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti,
my Soul roaming free will incarnate,
dwell among men in this form or another. (Hermes, thrice-born.)

To experience a spiritual journey to Egypt with Caroline Dekker please see her websites:
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