Inside the great pyramid of Giza in the Kings Chamber lies a granite sarcophagus. The ancient Egyptians used granite because to them it was known as ‘spirit stone’, because granite works with the natural energies and ley-lines of the world and was therefore used in many sacred sites, it works in a similar way to a capacitor in electrical circuits, in the sense that it allows the earth’s energy to build up and resonate.
Having worked with the energies and vortex spots using meditation and my Tibetan bowl for natural sound healing in some of the temples of Egypt, I personally believe the granite sarcophagus was part of an initiation process to develop higher consciousness, through meditation whilst lying within the sarcophagus. The human body also has its own energy centers, the chakras, and once these are activated, if you were to lay in the sarcophagus, the forehead and crown would be in direct line with a shaft of light that travels directly through the pyramid to Orion, this is a star gate which the ancient Egyptians aspired to travel to either as an astral body, out of body experience, or with the final death of the mortal body (our shell), Orion was the Egyptian gateway for the soul. The chakras of the forehead and crown are where our thought (Thoth) wisdom, enlightenment, psychic abilities, spiritual and astral travel rise from.
The Queens chamber also inside Giza pyramid is another initiation, this chamber also has a shaft that is aligned with the Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters, this star cluster has always been associated with higher consciousness, and is known as the symbolic crown chakra of the galaxy

Many people would choose to experience this, and some have to their confusion, I would only advise a person who has regular meditation, or knowledge of Reiki, a strong conscious mind and thought process, who has the ability to ground themselves and cleanse themselves to consider this experience, because you are working with strong energy connections within your own body and the earth, in an amazing power house, and unless you are in control of your mind and body, if you became frightened by the experience of what is happening to you and panic you will lose your own inner strength and necessary protection, and then the body can become unbalanced. For people with the necessary skill to experience this energy source it is an amazing experience.
For the wisdom of the God Thoth, their is a section witihin the Emerald tablets of thoth that directly relates to the Pyramid of Giza and astral travel. I offer you this small section :
Few there would be with courage to dare it,
few pass the portal to dark Amenti.
Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid,
using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity).
Deep and yet deeper place I a force-house or chamber;
from it carved I a circular passage
reaching almost to the great summit.
There in the apex, set I the crystal,
sending the ray into the "Time-Space,"
drawing the force from out of the ether,
concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti.
Other chambers I built and left vacant to all seeming,
yet hidden within them are the keys to Amenti.
He who in courage would dare the dark realms,
let him be purified first by long fasting.
Lie in the sarcophagus of stone in my chamber.
Then reveal I to him the great mysteries.
Soon shall he follow to where I shall meet him,
even in the darkness of Earth shall I meet him, I,
Thoth, Lord of Wisdom, meet him and hold him
and dwell with him always.
Built I the Great Pyramid,
patterned after the pyramid of Earth force,
burning eternally so that it, too,
might remain through the ages.
In it, I built my knowledge of "Magic-Science"
so that I might be here when again I return from Amenti,
Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti,
my Soul roaming free will incarnate,
dwell among men in this form or another. (Hermes, thrice-born.)

To experience a spiritual journey to Egypt with Caroline Dekker please see her websites:
How much is the spiritual journey to Egypt? ....I tried to visit your website but I got Error 404
ReplyDeletesuperb post, Thanks for sharing this inspiring post
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Parvez Khan
man dont read nothing about thoth this devilish ass shit
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
ReplyDeleteBenaulim Beach South Goa
fasting is recommended by the text. how long? any experience?
ReplyDeleteinternal ancestry calling. Astral projection
ReplyDeletebrother when I was 21
Sun Gazing, sun bathing eyes closed meditating envisioning sun rays spiraling in each if your chakras. Thats just prep. Prayers with emotions to spirit guide or guardian angels passed away relatives wish em well ask to be visited. When u wake up from a dream think about that dream intensely replay scenes till u sleep u end up going back to the dream with more control. Sleep early and or set alarms to wake you up 2 3 4 5 am even 20 minute alarm to wake u up again giving you the opportunity to think or pray or chant and think as u fall asleep u go in different dreams and waking up early also is an opportunity because the body laid still for several hours. Try not to move when waking. Just the eyes . close em. Focus. Eventually dreams turn to lucid dreams turn to vivid lucid dreams.
For AP.....stay self aware as u fall asleep after body laid still for several hours .no body movement waking up from for example 8 pm to 3AM or 4AM...think feel emotions close eyes remain self aware as u drift asleep...vibrate..awaken.This is exactly how my astral projection experience happened.
Not including the Preparation:
Weeks and months
Curiously Practicing Dream walking. Turned to lucid dreams - turned to vivid lucid dreams= LIGHT
Then i had a series of lucid nightmares that id literally woken up in i had took Control And Defeated the Threat. through out a few weeks this happened.
Astral Projection Instructions:
Self Awareness at all times.
1 time alarm to wake you up at 3:30-4am
Do NOT move at all.
ONLY open eyes THINK and FEEL anger get yourself mad.
...Close your eyes in a deep breath THINK and FEEL peace love serenity.
***Body Laid still several hours Either is or very close to the sleep paralysis State Bodies go into To prevent acting out in life the dreams.....
Overall the Body is now at a point where its asleep.still.wont interfere.
The only Part of you that is wide awake is your mind and the part that made love n hate matter.
Laying down eyes closed with my Mind Soul And Spirit Lit while my body lay dormant several Hours.
Not even 2 minutes passed by..
my state of mind ...me i stayed self aware while knowing i was approaching the part where we all just fall asleep and dnt remember at what point we feel asleep at...Except i stayed self aware at all times..Eyes Closed the Darkness..the Void Rather ...i see around me so much of it .felt as if i was getting closer and closer moving forward into the void at high-speed backwards at the same time the only way to describe the part before the Vibration at the moment would be...
"Stare into the Void and the Void will Stare back." ?
The sense of self-awareness the small vibration that felt like a rocking back n forth sensation as well as someone shaking the bed and my body electrocuted but without the pain
started felt like someone was shaking the bed.I felt me already know its not the bed shaking its me and its somehow nothing to worry about
Laying in bed vibrating..
Instantaneously but faster than a blink of an eye I Awoken sitting up Startled Shocked A lil Scared cuz what am i doing feeling more than awake sitting up
thinking this is no dream i raised my VIVID LIGHT ELECTRIC PALE BLUE in every detail I WAS. Astonished amazed excited marveling at my own arms ...Words that Come Close...Devine...Godly..Cosmic. While observing my surroundings, Dull grey, my brother walks in i watch him look my way and onto his clothes for school. Taking in everything i thought 1 simple thought what if i try to wake up?
I awake Laying Down open my eyes looking up to the ceiling Sunny day..i did not feel the same as i did when i went to sleep, Waking up. Sat up brother still there looking for clothes. Everything the same as i saw it.
Props to whoever read this.
Damm that was borin
I study over And over and over these tablets and know them before this incarnate.
ReplyDeleteI'm still unlocking myself so that I can go to thoth