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Friday, 29 January 2010


If you are doubting a decision in life, or are questioning your own natural instincts. There is a simple way to test your own 'truth'. The human condition is such that it naturally wants the best for itself, it wants to be well, in balance and healthy. Our concsious mind and the desires our heart are often in conflict with one trying to overide the desires of the other. We can test the true desire of our inner self in a very simple manner using muscle testing techniques.

If you stand upright, relaxed with your arms slightly in front of you or by your sides,

close your eyes,

speak aloud three positive affirmations about yourself ie:

My name is..........
I am ......... years old
I am male/female

After each affirmation you will feel a gentle movement, either backwards or forwards, this can vary person to person.

All three of the above statements are TRUTHS individual to you. You will find that you moved in the same direction to each YES answer and your body will move in an opposite direction if you were to ask a negative question requiring a NO answer.
As an example I could say : I own a scarlet red ferrari, my body would automatically move in the negative opposite direction of the affirmations that were not true.

You can then apply this technique to absoloutely any situation that you may find yourself in, that you are unsure about and you require guidence on.Your own body knows what you need and what is best for you and it will answer you accordingly with this test.

These are your SOUL TRUTHS. Your body cannot move any other way than to be true to itself, remember the quote 'to thine own self be true', you cannot sneeze with your eyes open, your body automatically shuts the eyes.All the above are due to natural muscle reactions, as in kinesiology

remember the quote 'to thine own self be true',


  1. I often find myself swaying gently while praying and while I might be able to stop it for a while, the swaying starts again. Would it be safe to say, that in prayer, I am connecting with Spirit?
