What will you be doing in April or September 2010 ? Some people will discover something AMAZING - they will be on tour with Caroline Dekker in EGYPT - There will be 2 trips in 2010 - The 15-days tour Starts April 4, 2010 & September 19, 2010.
Join Caroline to experience the energies of Egypt, the pyramids in Cairo,the amazing Western Desert, al Quasr and the Oasis,Luxor Temple,the bazaar the earthy home of the God Amun Ra, the temple of Karnack, the Valley of the kings as well as the Valley of the queens, Hatshepsut mortuary Temple and Medinet Habu the The beautiful Temple of the Goddess Hathor at Dendera, with the remains of the Zodiac ceiling,and deep in the bowels of the temple we decend into the crypts.Finally we visit the Temple of her husband the God Horus at Edfu
DAY 1: When you arrive in Cairo, Caroline or her agent will collect you from the airport. We stay Overnight in a hotel overlooking (or near) the Pyramids.
Day 2: This morning we will take our time, just to recover from the trip. During the morning we will visit Cairo Museum where our Guide Ibrahim is going to tell us with great enthusiasm and love, of the art treasures in this unique museum.
Day 3:This day will be used as a kind of Preparation Day how to enter/approaches the pyramids, temples, tombs and all kind of holy places. We will see and visit the places from our the point of energetic perception. We will visit the Pyramids and the Sphinx.
Day 4:We leave from Cairo and begin our trip through the desert, which is truly a awesome experience, The first night we sleep in the Bahria Oasis. We sleep in a decent basic but clean hotel. The hotel is idyllic and during the evening we do a meditation at the source and we will enjoy the stars.
Day 5:We will drive through the black desert on our way to the white desert and during this trip we will have a stop and visit the crystal mountain, where we find some stones. At the end of the afternoon, we go to the Bedouin Camp and sleep in the amazing white desert, there is a campfire and we will sleep under the stars and hopefully see some desert foxes.
Day 6:We leave to the Dakhla Oasis, on our way we bath in a water source. We will have lunch there and after our bath we will visit the ancient Islamic city of El Qaser. Overnight in a hotel.
DAY 7:In the morning we leave on camels to a strong natural water spring, where we have lunch. Then we go to El Kharga Oasis. We sleep outside in a sand hill.
Day 8:We leave for Luxor. At the end of the afternoon we visit the Luxor Temple. In the evening we visit the Bazaar / market. Luxor Temple was created to celebrate the feast of the Opet, the renewal of the pharoah and the celebration of the marriage of the God Amun Ra to his wife the Goddess Mut.
Day 9 :No visit to luxor is complete without a journey to the West and the afterlife, and we will experience the tombs in the Valley of the kings, then we will visit the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut at Dier El Bahari, this is a truly amazing temple with classical lines, driven into the mountainside of Dier El Bahari, it is in direct line with the heart of Amun at Karnack temple
Day 10: We will go to the small but beautifull the Valley of the Queens, to see the beautiful colourful and calm tombs of the sons of Ramses 111, afterwards will visit the mortuary temple of Ramses 111 Medinet Habu, and have lunch in the shade with a view of the temple. Whilst at Medinet habu you will have the opportunity to visit the chapels of the Gods Wife of Amun,these ladies were considerd the mortal living wife of the God Amun Ra, and held a very important postion, having authority of this area of Egypt on behalf of the pharoahs of Upper or Lower Egypt
DAY 11: We will visit the temple of Karnack ,the earthly home of the God Amun Ra, here also we can go into the small temple of ptah to visit the Goddess Sekhmet, a ritual that the Godess hathor completed on her way to Edfu. Inside the temple of Karnack we can experience the energy of the seven doors, that were considered a doorway to another dimension for the Gods wife of Amun.
DAY 12:Travelling to Dendera we visit the plotomic temple of the Goddess of Love and Joy Het -Heru the Goddess Hathor, a temple that was special to Cleopatra, where she would probably have given birth to her son Ceasarian. Her we can see two zodiac ceilings, the first one is as we enter the temple in the court of Heaveen, wher the ceiling is a symbolic representation of the north and south halves of the sky, the hours of day and night, and the regions of the moon and sun. The bays to the right show the northern stars while the left shows the southern stars. The beautiful figure of the goddess nut embraces each end of the hall. Her dress is the sky; between her legs is the birth of the sun, which disappears at night as she swallows it. Going underground in the temple we enter the amazing crypts, which have scenes that have caused so much speculation, as some people believe they show the ancient egyptians with lightbulbs. These crypts again vibrate with energies.
DAY 13:Finally we will make the journey to Edfu to visit the temple of Hathors husband, the God Horus, every year the Goddess Hathor made this special journey and festival that the ancient egyuptians celebrated when Hathor herself travelled in her barque 'Great of Love' to celebrate and renew their love and the birth of thier son IHY.
Day 14:Today you leave by taking the overnight train to Cairo. During this day there is still time to do some shopping in the bustling town of Luxor ..
Day 15:In the morning you will arrive in Cairo, here ends this journey and a representative of Jwana Tours will guide you to the airport for departure to the country of origin.
I am looking for ward to this wonderful journey through Egypt and hope that you would like to join me in this event, where as a group we can experience something wonderful.
We will spend our nights in 4 star hotels, except the nights in the desert, based on bed and breakfast doubleroom, air conditioning, swimming pool.
Price: € 1.895,-- which includes visa, 4 * hotels based on B+B double room (except in the desert there will be clean basic hotels), all excursions, transportation and entrance fees as mentioned in the program, guidance and meditations during the trip and food in the desert for 4 days, ticket night train Luxor / Cairo.
NOT INCLUDED IN COSTS :- Flight, Supplement 1 room € 175, tips, other meals, drinks, personal expenses.
Required: trip cancellation and health insurance.
Opinion: any vaccinations please ask your doctor.
Specify: latest on March 1st 2010, (purchase) payments.
Early booking before January 31st, 2010 € 75, - discount
Deposit € 975, - at ING account 3937753 to Mrs. C. Dekker, Westvlietweg 10/69, 2491 EA 's-Gravenhave/Holland mentioning 15-day trip & departure date. IBAN: NL96INGB0003937753 BIC:INGBNL2A
If you would like to no more please see my english website
or my dutch website www.caroline-dekker.nl
contact me on neteroe@hotmail or my representative and tour operator Hassan heffny, who makes all things possible bless him in Egypt,on 0020105649 or by email at info@egypteagytrip on skype i am Hassaan69 I look forward to meeting you and being of assistance
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