When we think of Egypt we think of Gods, but the world over has the gift and guidance of angelic realm, in ancient Egypt when Isis manifests herself into the form of an angel she has feathered wings to enfold her worshipers in unity, In the underworld she is a protector and is often shown with her sister with their wings out stretched to help give flight into the afterlife. To her people she symbolizes motherhood, nurturance sovereignty and stability, everything that we would expect from a guardian and angel guide. In some traditions Isis is considered a Seraph
The Angel Duma is a guardian Angel who offers special protection and guardianship of Egypt, he is also known as the prince of Egypt. Duma is the sixth son of Ishamel and is mentioned in Genesis (25:14) and Chronicles(1:30), Duma is associated with fallen angels, and accusing angels, but offers total allegiance and defence to his charges. It was Duma who killed the first born Egyptians in Moses time, he was a fallen angel, who was also in charge of punishing sinners.
Duma is also the name given to the guardian of the 14th gate, through which the goddess Ishtar passed on her journey to the underworld in Babylonian mythology. In ancient Egypt Ishtar is known as Astarte and is represented with cow horns like the goddess Hathor, King Solomon built a Temple to Her as Astoreth, near Jerusalem.
My 'Angels trip to Egypt' commences on 6th December 2009, during this trip I have created special angel mediations and we will experience our angel guides, and the ancient egyptian goddesses of protection, the sisters of Isis, throughout the temples, our journey begins from Luxor then to the temple of Isis at philae and Aswan with a wonderful journeys end at Abu simbel. If you would like to join me on this occasion or another please contact me, caroline dekker on neteroe@hotmail.com
or visit my website http://www.freewebs.com/spiritualegypt
Meditation - I not only meditate in the evening, I also meditate in the morning by inviting the spirits and thank them for this day...I also invite the Lords and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt of the 4 elements Air, earth, water and Fire.......and ask them for protection, guidance and help, and I ask my personal guides and the spirits, every evening I thank them for this day. www.caroline-dekker.nl
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