My friend Lorraine told me to take a test 'what mythical creature are you?'and so I did, and it came back that I am a unicorn, which didnt surprise my friend in the least as she is a Mah Jongg card reader, and she told me the unicorn has the gift of clairvoyance! she has become aware of my talents though, and together we enhance each others skills.
My test reading was:
Unicorn -You are faithful to the end. Usually appreciating a solitary life with a mysterious aire about you. You are strong and keep your feelings to yourself. You also have a great love of nature. Truely, a loving soul.
Why dont you have a go? If you want to take a test, this is the website:
What mythical creature are you Http://www.testriffic.com/test/madhouse7207/24914/What-mythical-creature-are-you-
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