The Goddess Bast had two facets, she was fierce, but like a mother she was nurturing, she was an ancient Egyptian Goddess a beautiful woman but portrayed with the head of a cat. Bast is subconsiously the sensuous symbol of our longing, our holy desire. Her cat feline nature entices and beckons us to give expression to our desire nature and to go in search of our holy longing. She invites us to go deeper into our own body so that the kundalini flame might be awakened, for it is only when the fire of life is strong that change can happen. When Bast comes to us, she brings with her the invitation to move through the portals of death and rebirth, so that we might open to the next incarnation of our life here on Earth.
I will be in Egypt on tour with my group in December, Are you looking for renewal? The trip I will be taking helps us to feel the nurturing mother Goddesses, Angel guides, for healing and renewal, if you would like to join us please contact me caroline dekker by email on triadetravel@gmail.com
or vist my website to understand more of my spiritual journeys to Egypt :
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