We journey to the south of Luxor to the rock cut monuments of Gebel es-Silsilah,where it was said in ancient times the spirit of the nile resided and the pharoah would awaken it with ritual and offerings, at this point the Nile was at it's narrowist, in the east of Gebel es silsila are quarries but mortuary chapels have been cut into the rock of the west, these chapels have been built so near to the river that they flooded during the inundation of the Nile from the month of May to August, since the dam has been built at Aswan the chapels no longer flood. Because these chapels are so close to the river and cut from rock the Nile could flood each chapel every year which ultimately guaranteed new life and renewal for the soul of the deceased.
On the west bank is a rock cut shrines for Horemheb, Seti I, Ramesses II and Merenptah.
Many of the Talatat used by Akhenaten were quarried from here, and used in buildings at Luxor and Amarna.
In the rock-cut sanctuarys of Horemhebs speos seven gods sit at the back of the chapel that become illuminated twice a year, in the same manner as the four gods in Ramses temple at Abu Simbel
When I have travelled to Silsilah with my groups I have been amazed by the awesome feeling and renewal of energy that surrounds us, and I am sure it cannot be a coincidence that I havve been drawn to this place,as everything happens for a reason.
I have found out that Silsilah in Arabic: سلسلة is a word meaning chain. The meaning of this word in religeon refers to a graduate who acted as a master having his own students. (I am a spiritual guide helping my students and guests on a spiritual path of enlightenment and wisdom) a chain of masters is known as Silsilah, the certification of a master having proof of his chain of masters was the only acceptable legitimation. I find this information very interesting, as I was so drawn to visit this area, and also it makes me wonder about General Horemheb, who was infact a general in the army during the rule of Pharoah Aye, and as his general Aye made him the next pharoah, so you wonder if Horemheb also chose this area as a symbol of ligitemy of his right to rule.
My next trip to silsilah is on 17th december with a group which I am looking forward to, if you would like to no more about my trips to egypt, the next one starts on 9th december 2009 please look at my website on http://www.freewebs.com/spiritualegypt
or visit my dutch site on http://www.caroline-dekker.nl
or contact me, caroline dekker by email on neteroe@hotmail.com
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