Driving towards dendera with my group I began to feel my chakras awaken to the enegies of Denedera temple that honor's the Goddess Hathor. Like the Goddess Isis, Hathor represents, and triggers creational, feminine energies. we spend the whole day in the Dendera temple, where we enjoyed good company meditation and actually experienced the temple and experienced wonderful things instead of just whizzing through it like most group tours,
We were lucky It was very quite, there were hardly any tourist.....We had a long meditation at the back of the temple in a special place where the high priestess normally sits.....and in this room it was full of Angels, the lady who was with me felt them.....I saw them lovely bright and shiny figures.....they were protecting me.......and giving both of us energy.........Really felt taken care of at that time. When we finished we went outside and a guardian came to us and asked if we would like to visit Isis Chapel, normally this part of the temple has been closed. They let us in and we had another meditation, All of a Sudden of Huge Female figure appeared in the middle of the tempel. Her energy was very strong but also soft and she "spoke"to me.......and i understand that i need to be in touch with other people by heart and she can use my body to do healing work through me (as i do not do anything, just being there). One of the guests felt that i worked with her.....but it was not me. They all experienced a very powerfull but also soft energy.
My next trip to Egypt starts on 9th December in Luxor, and after that I do the western Desert from the 20th December if you would like to no more please contact me, Caroline Dekker by email : neteroe@hotmail.com I speak english dutch and german
or see my website http://www.freewebs.com/spiritualegypt
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