My journeys to Egypt with groups are aimed at energetic performance with your personal and intuitive development centered. You learn to live together with the cosmic or universal energy.
Students work in small groups, so with maximum individual attention.
Each trip has something special or a theme and there is professional guidance, which will include:
Experience and awareness of a reality, go beyond the five senses
Discover other realities, multi-sensory, not just working with the normal five senses
Learning that this reality is always within your reach, or has been within your reach, - (develop and/or expand)
Experience Frequencies and vibrations - Increase of vibration
Working with male and female energyDuring the trips we work with:
Visualisatietechnieken - Visualization Techniques
Meditatie - Meditation
Chakra's en kleuren - Chakras and colors
Goden & Godinnen - Gods & Goddesses
Gidsen - Guides
Engelen - Angels
Lichaamsbewustwording - Body Awareness
energiewerk - energy work
massages massages
healingen healings
Persoonlijke ontwikkeling en Personal development and
Spirituele ontwikkeling Spiritual Development
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