As a spiritual tour guide in Egypt, I will be drawn to certain parts of temples by the energies within, The first time I went to karnack temple, I felt the need to go to a certain part of the temple, at the time I wasn't prepared for such energy, and at that time I had really no idea what I was going to experience, but before coming to the chapel of Ptah, I stood quietly and then took off my sandals and checked my grounding. I asked the spirit of the temple if I was allowed to enter.....I had to go the the right part of the temple, there was a dark small room with a hugh very strong energy....when I entered the chapel I was face to face with the 'Mighty One' the goddess Sekhmet......I had to get out of the temple.....It felt like if she was testing me.....if I had enough courage to face her......... Outside barefoot and a little bit shaken.......Again "i asked" permission to go in and she let me in......My eyes needed time to adjust the darkness and the energy in this room felt very strong and a kind of thick........ First I noticed a silhouette which was very tall.....and when I saw her more clearly.....she looked at me and she let me feel how humble I was.......but in a loving and caring way....If you stay for a longer time of period in this chapel Sehkmet can do a lot of things with and for you......She can be very confrontatinal but also very caring and loving creature. Some of the guests travelling with me ended up in a regression in this life and some of them in past lifes. To me Sehkmet is always the one who gives me support and courage when I am having troubles or difficulties in my life.
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