Inside Karnack Temple there are seven doors of Osiris, this small temple was dedicated to the Gods wife of Amun Shepenwepet and Amundiris, these ladies held supreme power in ancient Waset(luxor)they were considered as the living mortal wife of the God Amun Ra.
In karnack temple are seven Osiris doors, where the Gods wife of Amun had their chapels,When you enter this small chapel the energy is amazing, and the doors were believed to be an exit for the soul to leave this mortal earth,I truly believe the priestess saw all the other dimensions and experienced the astral plane as when I meditate here in this chapel it becomes an awesome out of body experience for myself and my guests.
My next trip to egypt commences on 9th December 2009, please contact me if you would like to know more, email caroline dekker on neteroe@hotmail.com I speak german dutch and english
or see my website http://www.freewebs/spiritualegypt
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