On my travels through Egypt with my groups I often visit Dendera Temple in Egypt, the earthly home of the Goddess Hathor, on entering the temple the whole ceiling shows the heavens, and a smaller sculptured circular zodiac is on the ceiling of a small chapel dedicated to Osiris on the rooftop of Dendera,this shows the images of Taurus (the bull) and the Libra (the scales)as we recognize them and it shows the stars and planets in the positions they would have been positioned in 50 B.C. Another small chapel on the roof where the Goddess hathor was taken every year to be renewed again, we can see the goddess nut on the ceiling and in this photo I have taken we can see Bootes(orion) and taurus. Not only does Dendera have these astrological ceilings but it also has a room dedicated to shows the seven hathors, who were an oracle that predicted the future of a child on the day of its birth.
Denderah circular Zodiac also shows the precession of the equinoxes. The axes marked on the zodiac show the movement of solstices and equinoxes through the constellations between the foundation of Egypt and the time of the building of the Denderah Temple. Sirius appears twice - once on the true North-South axis, above the horns of the "cow of Isis", and also on the axis of the temple, as Horus on a papyrus stem. The light of the star would illumine the inner temple on New Year's Day, at the heliacal rising, when the temple was built.
In the Valley of the kings, it is not possible to visit the tomb of seti 1, but the ceiling in this vast tomb shows the Egyptian constellations in the northern sky. Ancient Egyptian priests interpreted the influences of the movements of the celestial bodies,The Star Sirius told them when the river Nile would flood. When Astrology is understood and used properly it can be a powerful and highly effective tool for the initiate.
The position of the planets at the time of birth is important for life.The effects are noticeable. A horoscope is a map where the position of the planets are subscribed. The Exact date, time and place of birth are very important.
A personal horoscope as a basis to create a comprehensive analysis of you as a person. In this analysis your strengths and weaknesses are given in writing. please contact me for more information of this service if you would like a personal horoscope by email at triadetravel@gmail.com
or see my website www.triadetravel.nl